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You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > London Bridge (Mini) > File Details - London Bridge ASC Mini Sim May 1982 SX

File Details - London Bridge ASC Mini Sim May 1982 SX

London Bridge ASC Mini Sim May 1982 SX

Timetable used is May 1982 WTT along with Supplement No 1 and additional Supplement to the Supplement!!

This timetable shows the intensity of service that once used Cannon Street. There are stark differences between this and the 2009 timetable included in the actual sim to watch out for. Namely, many more trains not calling at London Bridge passing calling trains.The requirement to use the crossover at Ewer Street (Up Cx Fast to Up CX Slow) more often to regulate trains at Metropolitan Junction. And because of circumstances with the 1991 Simsig layout, a lot of preplanning ahead of time, all moves in and out of Cannon Street else you may have the dreaded Mexican Stand-off. This was pre-Thameslink but was when South Central trains ran to/from Charing Cross & Tattenham Corner/Caterham during the off peak. One last thing to watch out for is platform workings at both Charing Cross & Cannon Street. This timetable is back in British Rail days when rolling stock was predominantly slam-door EP(Electro-Pneumatic) stock, with very little fixed formations and British Rail loved joining & spliting trains to increase/reduce train lengths. Watchout for these when replatforming. Trains to/from Hastings were of the narrow bodied DEMUs. Avoid stopping these unnessarily as they do not start up as quick as EMU stock.

London Bridge ASC (LBASC) was opened in 1976. However, Simsig represents LBASC after 1991, when Cannon Street had been resignalled. The May 1982 timetable for Cannon Street was designed for eight platforms. As a result, with some very clever platform alteration, with very minimal alterations to timings, it works for seven platforms. Also there were half a dozen Cannon Street trains that were booked up Platform 6 at London Bridge and used to use a crossover at Borough Market Jn from the UP CX to the Cannon Street lines. This was removed in 1991 as per the Simsig layout so those trains have been sent via other lines.

Other things to note, pre 1990s London Bridge platforms were only ten coaches long so any 12 car trains (mainliners from Kent Coast/Hastings) didn't call at London Bridge often running fast through the Up Passenger Loop in the up direction to CX, and Up & Down Platform 2 at London Bridge on the CAnnon Street side. During the peak periods (Rush Hours) many trains never called at London Bridge, with many overtaking stoppers. Watch the evening peak on the CX side at London Bridge, a lot of emptes come up and sit on the UPV for pathing of other trains.

You will find additional moves that have long gone these days, namely Mail/Parcel traffic, Depot stores trains, MLV movements. One MLV move was from London Bridge (Brighton Side) behind L1490 shunt, reverses then up to Charing Cross to attach to a Kent Coastal train. Unfortunately, Simsig presently doesn't permit this move, so I have timetabled the MLV to leave early and run via New Cross to reverse.

There is no ARS, the Signalmen of the time didn't have it. I advise running in Easy Mode first time to get used to how services run. Then if you are brave enough try Normal Mode.

Plan your moves in advance, keep those trains moving and have fun. I have signalling this area since 1991 and continue to do so.

Version 1.2.0 ( 2Txx services altered to call at London Bridge)

User-contributed > Timetables > London Bridge (Mini)
27/11/2022 at 08:06
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London Bridge ASC Mini Sim May 1982 SX.WTT

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