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File Details - Manchester Piccadilly 1969

Manchester Piccadilly 1969

Operating Hours: 04.55 - 00.35. 1110 trains, quantity running varying by day of week

The simulation is now compatible with ARS versions of Piccadilly (V2.2 onwards), but MUST be run with ARS disabled. It will not work with ARS enabled. You are also strongly recommended to turn ACI off. This then matches the real London Road PSB as in use in 1969.

Detailed operating notes "Signalbox Special Instructions" are provided in the General tab of the timetable. You will struggle to operate this complex timetable until you have read them!

This timetable MUST be run in 1990 mode. Note especially that Altrincham EMUs with headcode 2H96 MUST use the bay platform (5) at Oxford Road. From the new May 1969 timetable, it is the only one electrified at 1500 volts DC.

This simulation covers the area covered mostly by the former London Road PSB, replaced by Manchester Piccadilly PSB in 1989. Exceptions are the lines from Cornbrook Jn to Sale & Glazebrook, manually signalled in 1969, but brought under London Road in January & August 1971 respectively, plus the link to Ordsall Lane and beyond, unchanged until late 1988. Traffic involves only the southern part of the SimSig Area, plus - purely for convenience - the link to Ordsall Lane, used by just 2-3 trains per day in 1969. The Windsor Link is not even dreamed of and the lines from Manchester Victoria considerably more complex and busier than shown in SimSig.

The timetable reflects services in May 1969 with services from Manchester Central rerouted to Piccadilly and Oxford Road and before the January 5th 1970 closures that ended passenger services to Hayfield, Macclesfield via Rose Hill and Sheffield via Woodhead. The latter is a loco-hauled service using class 76 electric locos and usually 5 Mark 1 coaches.

It is possible for a single user to operate the timetable, but in rush hours you are strongly recommended to operate in real time.

User-contributed > Timetables > Manchester Piccadilly
02/01/2023 at 22:15
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Manchester Piccadilly 1969.WTT

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