You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > Manchester Piccadilly > File Details - Manchester Piccadilly - 10th January 2023
A timetable based on the WTT and planned STP workings of Tuesday 10th January 2023, based on the new December 2022 timetables. This gives quite a change to Northern and TPE services in particular thanks to changes implemented as part of the Manchester Recovery Taskforce.
The TT contains 1556 trains, consisting of everything that should have run - no P-coding here! - and a few additional trains that are timetabled but didn't run (such as RHTT trains). Alongside this, all diagrams are 'ideal' diagrams - with TfW and TPE running all their loco hauled diagrams and every service that should be a double unit is.
For ease of use, this TT has been created (and tested) with ARS usable. I hope signallers find it interesting and enjoyable!
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