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File Details - Feltham 14-03-2022

Feltham 14-03-2022

This timetable is based on all the trains that ran on the 14th of March 2022 according to Real Time Trains. The simulation should be run without Reading PSB enabled.


Due to the timetable being made for a different time period then what the simulation is based on some alterations have been made to the timetable to allow for this. Namely all trains that would have come into or gone out of Feltham Depot instead do so at Staines C.H.S or Strawberry Hill EMU Depot.

Turnaround Times

The minimum turnaround times have been added to the 2CXX and XSXX services at Reading and Weybridge respectively. The reason for only doing these 2 service groups is because they always reform into the same service type at RDG and WYB. It becomes too complicated and time consuming to add this in for every single service.

Change Log

V1.1.0 - It was pointed out that the simulation has had the platform lengths updated and therefore all 10 coach trains are now run in the sim with a 10 coach trains length rather than a 10 coach train being running with a 5 coach trains length. Thankyou to i26 for pointing this out.
V1.2.0 - A few freight working had been entered in accidentally as third rail units. These have now been corrected and therefore the driver will no longer question a route if it is set onto unelectrified track even though it is required to take the set route as per the timetable. Thankyou to simonstops for pointing this out.

User-contributed > Timetables > Feltham
05/01/2024 at 20:30
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107.2 KiB
File Name
Feltham 14-03-2022.WTT

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