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You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > Woking > File Details - Landslip T3

File Details - Landslip T3

Landslip T3

Good Morning Signaller,

Today you have a very unusual but interesting day! Both Down Slow and Down Fast Lines are CLOSED due to landslip works. Therefore, they have possession on both of these lines. As a reminder I suggest you interpose 'T3' onto the revelevant signals to remind yourself of this. Due to these works all DOWN trains will be running under Single Line Working until the country end of Brookwood. *This needs to be set up AFTER the passage of 2L10* You have a hand signalman in place and must release Brookwood GF and swing over the points to allow trains to cross over back onto the down fast to continue their journey. All UP trains will be signalled along the Up Slow. You MUST authorise ALL DOWN trains past WK507 signal at danger once the previous train has cleared the section at Brookwood. Services have been severely reduced to make your day easier and all DOWN 1Axx services will be routed via Guildford. Do your best to keep delays to a minimum, some platforms may need to be altered due to TPU errors. Have a great day!

User-contributed > Timetables > Woking
28/02/2024 at 15:09
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79.4 KiB
File Name
Landslip T3.WTT

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