You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > Llangollen > File Details - Llangollen Branchline Weekend 2024
This is the timetable for the 2024 Branchline Weekend.
It was a busy day on the Llangollen railway today wirth various different set out for the Branch Line Weekend.
3 Steam Engines, plus 1 Diesel and DMU made for interesting day wiht shuttles Between Glndyfrdwy and Corwen/Llangollen.
Various stored stock in sidings have been added to make it more realistic.
Also Deeside Loop is now taken up completley with no track remaining so I have block it off to make the timetable realistic. In the real life the signals are turned off here now but with the sim being out date trains will need to be signalled through this section.
Also Corwen now has a run round loop but as this is not shown on this sim trains just simply reverse and come back from Corwen as if they had done the run round.
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