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You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > Basingstoke > File Details - Basingstoke July PA (June 2024) FX

File Details - Basingstoke July PA (June 2024) FX

Basingstoke July PA (June 2024) FX

This is the current timetable for the Basingstoke area which comes into effect on Monday 29th July 2024. This is the same as the timetable which started in June with some very minor alterations. Shunts to and from Barton Mill Sidings have had their start times altered slightly from what you will find in the workings or on RTT. This is because, as a shunter at Barton Mill i wanted to accurately simulate the fact that we call trains out at least 5 minutes before departure time and depending on the signaller, the shunts usually take place when there is a gap in traffic rather than go by the timings. Sometimes you will find you can do the shunt as soon as it is ready and sometimes you will need to wait for passing traffic before doing the shunt. I have timed them based on the times i will usually be called or call a train out. There is also the odd timetable clash you will need to work around because in the real world, the planners do not always get things right.

User-contributed > Timetables > Basingstoke
24/07/2024 at 09:02
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File Size
72.4 KiB
File Name
Basingstoke July PA (June 2024) FX.WTT

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