(UTC times)
You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > Basingstoke > File Details - Basingstoke July PA (June 2024) Sunday 8th September ACWN
This is the Sunday timetable for Sunday 8th September 2024 as per the Altered Carriage Working Notice. Please note some trains are not listed on RTT but are in the railway workings. Due to engineering works The BSK stopping services are going only as far as Woking and are retimed. Every other west of England train terminates at BSK and going into the mill to turnaround. 1Bxx services call additonally at Farnborough and the 1Txx services to and from Portsmouth are not running today.
Due to early morning engineering works on the Reading line the first GWR service today is 2J16 which has berthed in platform 5 overnight.
Later in the day some WOE services turnaround in the platform and slightly more frequent from the mill in the evening.
As with my standard Sunday Timetable i have manipulated train misc information so that the line up screen for Basingstoke only will appear more like a departure screen but may not make any sense at other locations.
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