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File Details - Tyneside ROC 16/12/24 03:40 Start time.

Tyneside ROC 16/12/24 03:40 Start time.

Tyneside ROC 16/12/24 03:40 Start time.

Monday 16th December.

*** Please read the Operational Notices Below***

Today see's the day the 'Northumberland Line' opens utilising the Blyth and Tyne line which has seen extensive work carried out to open up 6 new and refurbished stations.

The sim isn't quite as up-to-date as the line is in the current day but the timetable works with some very tight timetabling in and around Benton East Junction. Because of this its recommended ARS is disabled at Benton Junction and that the timetable is followed here utilising F9's lineups.

Similar issues with the 2T trains leaving Newcastle under ARS will occur, so again, please use ARS wisely in these locations. All other areas have no issues with ARS as tested so far.

This timetable also features some brand new LNER shuttle services. These run from Newcastle to York with many shunts to and from Heaton Depot throughout the day.


As mentioned, all 2Txx trains should be monitored very carefully at Newcastle and Benton Junction if using ARS.

Trains booked to use P11 at Newcastle have been kept to this platform, however they have been shortened slightly so they fit. This is due to the platform having been extended since the sim was last updated. You can re-platform these trains elsewhere but other 5 car services wont fit in Platform 11.

Platform 12 Newcastle - OOU Permanently.

Freight services booked to relieve or stop for pathing reasons on the slow line at Newcastle are best held at T482 rather then T512.

Freight services booked to stop at T193 alongside Tyne Yard tend to be routed straight through by ARS so it's recommended that you put a reminder on this signal to stop early freights clogging up Newcastle station.

6U81 Instructions

Once 6U81 arrives into 4B (advise to make 6U81 non-ARS).
Obtain GF 1082 and set the route and the handsignal into the Down sidings.
Set the points ahead of T888 and lock them reverse.
Select 'Go non-stop through next station' - 'Shunt Forward'
Then talk 6U81 past T888 at danger and into the Down Sidings.

****Operational Notices****

Sunday - 6U81 - Network Rails Mobile Maintenance Train is carrying out works between Tursdale and Durham on Sunday evening into Monday morning. The possession is in place from Ferryhill South Junction to Durham on all Down lines. This means Simplified Bi-directional working will be in place.

Reminders to be placed on T439 and T413 after the passage on 6U81. Possession to be handed back at 04:45 after 6U81 has returned via the Down Main to Tursdale.

Monday - 6U81 - Network Rails Mobile Maintenance Train is carrying out works between Benton and Plessey on Monday evening into Sunday morning. The possession is in place from Heaton South Junction to Plessey on all Down lines. This means Simplified Bidirectional working will be in place.

Reminders to be placed on T581, T611 and T631 after the passage on 6U81

User-contributed > Timetables > Tyneside
28/12/2024 at 12:54
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Tyneside ROC - 16 December 2024 (0340).WTT

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