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You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > Obsolete Sims > File Details - Gloucester December 2024

File Details - Gloucester December 2024

Gloucester December 2024

The TT data is based on 2nd December 2024. Stock data from "a small enthusiast website" has been added where known. Freight allocations found with the help of user reports at ltsv.com and the WTT's (PF08). Special thanks to Seb (apache668) for allox on the WMT services to/from Droitwich.

Operational Notes
- The sim does not reflect the position of Bromsgrove station as it is now (where the loops are shown). 2Oxx services need to be crossed from Down to Up to terminate, then immediately to the DGL where they will reverse. The services will cross over quickly so can be put in front of any trains approaching from Stoke Works Jn, but the ECS return workings frequently clash with the next 1Vxx Down services and so may end up slightly later than planned.

- There's no seeding option in this sim, so 2G90 on a midnight start has been set to pop out of Gloucester New Yard.

- Some platform clashes in the real timetable have been tweaked here for improved playability. However services from Bristol still tend to arrive quite early and require holding outside the station to the drivers' chagrin.

- There is a tendency for trains at Gluocester to depart later than planned when reversing (or even when starting!) meaning you can be penalised for leaving Horton Road LC barrier down. There doesn't seem to be any way to fix this.

- Freights timed to stop at Cofton can under some rare circumstances, lock the points reverse until they depart. If a passenger service gets stck at SY16, force the fraight to move forward from the F2 menu.

- Stop-and-Go timing points at Alstone LC for some frieght have been set to Pass to avoid blocking the line.

- Banking locos with headcode 0B01 will appear as required. The old method of detaching at Blackwell is no longer in use, the trains will continue top-and-tailed into the Saltley sim.

Version History
v1.0 20241217 - First Release

User-contributed > Timetables > Obsolete Sims
17/12/2024 at 21:41
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File Size
40 KiB
File Name
Gloucester December 2024.zip

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