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Custom save/load location

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Custom save/load location 17/03/2014 at 00:27 #57178
310 posts
I put all of my .ssg files in my Dropbox, as I run SimSig on multiple computers, so I have to navigate to it every time I save or load a game.

Please could we have an option to specify a new default location for save files, or perhaps just to remember the last location used?

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Custom save/load location 17/03/2014 at 01:10 #57183
1637 posts
One solution that comes to mind is to create a simple batch file to copy or move the saved files from their default folder to the new folder. I don't use DropBox but it might work there too.

E.g., create a text file with a .bat extension and name it movssg.bat. Open it with any text editor, e.g., Notepad, and type in a line such as

MOVE /Y "C:\Program Files (x86)\SimSigLdr\Simulations\Westbury\*.SSG" "D:\SimSig\Mysaved"

The Y switch supplies a Yes, i.e., suppresses prompting before overwriting existing files. This line is not case-sensitive though I put MOVE in upper case for clarity. Double quotes around the filepath are necessary only if the filepath contains one or more spaces.

Create a shortcut to this batch file and run the shortcut once you have DropBox open. Caveat - I haven't actually tried this but it certainly works when transferring files across internal or external drives, such as a USB memory stick. Could you take a memory stick with you and use it as an alternative to DropBox?

Alternatively, use a file manager with two vertical panes such as File Commander or, better, Directory Opus, set up Favorites folders, jump to them and execute a quick Move.

More on the MOVE command here.

(Added) I omitted to mention that the default filepath above, although accurate for me, is a non-standard location I selected. I have posted about this elsewhere.

Last edited: 17/03/2014 at 07:18 by maxand
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Custom save/load location 17/03/2014 at 01:41 #57187
2158 posts
By default, Loader ssg files are allocated to folder \Simulations\"sim"\. Exe sim to \Simsig\"sim"\
Barry, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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Custom save/load location 17/03/2014 at 05:36 #57189
310 posts
" said:
Could you take a memory stick with you and use it as an alternative to DropBox?
Well I could, but not having to use a physical memory device is rather the point of cloud storage!

I don't want to install alternative file managers or run batch files to move my saves around, that seems like unnecessary clutter; I'd really rather it just be a bit easier to save them in the right place first time round.

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Custom save/load location 17/03/2014 at 06:45 #57192
2158 posts
" said:
I put all of my .ssg files in my Dropbox, as I run SimSig on multiple computers, so I have to navigate to it every time I save or load a game.

Please could we have an option to specify a new default location for save files, or perhaps just to remember the last location used?
To access common folders/files, you need to link your multiple computers. Beware, paid sims can only be played on one dedicated computer.


Barry, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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Custom save/load location 17/03/2014 at 09:43 #57195
310 posts
" said:
To access common folders/files, you need to link your multiple computers.
I've already done that, effectively, that's why I use Dropbox. This question is about making it easier to use from within SimSig.

" said:
Beware, paid sims can only be played on one dedicated computer.
This just isn't true. I already play my paid-for sims on multiple computers. I'm just asking about the load/save dialogues.

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