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Missing Bridge

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Missing Bridge 06/05/2011 at 07:55 #2988
321 posts
The Road (A18) / Rail Opening Bridge that crosses the river Trent immediately Scunthorpe side of Althorpe Station, is missing from the track layout
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Missing Bridge 06/05/2011 at 07:55 #15572
321 posts
The Road (A18) / Rail Opening Bridge that crosses the river Trent immediately Scunthorpe side of Althorpe Station, is missing from the track layout
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Missing Bridge 06/05/2011 at 10:50 #15584
2158 posts
[] How was that missed Chris? Can you fit it in?

edited for language - Peter

Barry, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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Missing Bridge 06/05/2011 at 13:06 #15592
707 posts
Isn't it locked out of use?
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Missing Bridge 06/05/2011 at 13:49 #15596
321 posts
The bridge, which carries both rail and road, was actually built by the MS&LR's successor, the Great Central Railway, but has neither rolled nor lifted since 1956. It is a Grade 2 listed structure.
Am sure it would show on any railway map or signal panel as its a rather large structure

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Missing Bridge 06/05/2011 at 13:56 #15597
3635 posts
i think i remember this bridge. is it a large steel girder construction? i had noticed it was missing from the sim but i didnt know it was a swing/lifting bridge :O
"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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Missing Bridge 06/05/2011 at 14:33 #15598
1841 posts
Possibly not shown on the panel IRL. Frodingham viaduct would be as just as important in an emergency.
I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
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Missing Bridge 06/05/2011 at 15:30 #15599
771 posts
I think John answered his own question when he stated the bridge hasn't moved since 1956 so it's not likely to be on there!

The bridge is not shown on the the Scunthorpe panel (I have detailed panel photos from when I personally visited) or in the special box instructions for Scuntorpe PSB. As Andy states, Frodingham viaduct is shown on the panel itself in case of emergency bit it's the only one.

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Missing Bridge 06/05/2011 at 17:19 #15604
276 posts
Officially its known as the King George V Bridge it is now fixed in position never to rise/rotate again.
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Missing Bridge 22/05/2011 at 12:23 #15960
84 posts
I am pleased to see that there are some well-informed people in here. However, with regars to the bridge appearing on the Scunthorpe PSB panel, I believe that both the Frodingham viaduct and the King George Bridge feature on the panel (NX type).

Whilst in that general location, I woul be interested to see if any attempt will eveer be made to incorporating "banking" in any retro WTT. When I began working at Frodingham in 1974, my first duty was to secondman 6J11 (class 31 + minfits) to Mansfield Concentration Sidings via Barnetby, Lincoln & Tuxford (LD&EC line). Following that, I spent 3 solid weeks assisting on the Gunhouse Banker.

At that time, the locomotive was stabled in the Up West Bay at Scunthorpe prior to commencing duties. When on duty, the "banker" was stabled at Gunhouse Yard. In 1974 the yard cosisted of 5 long sidings (capable of stabling 2 trains each. The 6th siding was a short road called the Water Column siding. Nearby was two more sidings. Branch and Logans. Both sidings were independantly signalled at the SCunthorpe end, while at the "river" end were a set of spring points set towards the Branch Line. Beyond these spring points was a single line which ran to the quayside at Gunness Wharf. THis line passed over a TMO level crossing over the A18 road.

Assuming a train arrived destined for Scunthorpe and required assistance. The train approached Gunhouse and gave the traincrew the banking crows. The train pulled up to S314 signal (just short of Frodingham viaduct) and awaited the "banker" to buffer up to it. The class 20 banker always banked nose-first. Once behin the train, the banking driver sounded the 2 crows signal to which the train river responded. THe banking commenced with the assisting locomotive pushing hard up until a point between KIngsway bridge and S318 allowing the train locomotive to gather its train and pass over the summit. With regard to the signalling, the track circuiting was set up so that neither S314 nor S316 signals reverted to Danger until the wholee train (including banker) had passed them. AFAIAA, that situation still remains today - although today there is no banking required.

Trains which were destined beyond Scunthorpe were assisted from the front by nothing smaller than a class 31 locomotive. THis locomotive was remove at Barnetby

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