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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations

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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 19/12/2012 at 12:11 #39387
27 posts
" said:
IMHO I dont see what difference it really makes.

It only makes a difference if we jump up and down about it, given a few days and these postings will just vanish into the background of SimSig.
The topic's been here since October so that's that theory out the window. Listen they have no excuse do the owners they have their own website, so it's about time they get their own forum and allow discussion on their and leave the Simsig website

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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 19/12/2012 at 12:14 #39388
609 posts
" said:
And before you get on your high horse, all this is my opinion and take on it all. Agree/Disagree then that's your opinion too
It's an opinion you could quite safely have kept to yourself, instead of making rude comments on a public forum.

Last edited: 19/12/2012 at 12:14 by lazzer
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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 19/12/2012 at 12:16 #39389
27 posts
" said:
" said:
And before you get on your high horse, all this is my opinion and take on it all. Agree/Disagree then that's your opinion too
It's an opinion you could quite safely have kept to yourself, instead of making rude comments on a public forum.
Point out the rude part of my comment. And if a topic is posted on the site and I am a member of that site like yourself am entitled to my opinion and post

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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 19/12/2012 at 12:20 #39390
884 posts
I personally can't see any real harm with Blockpost Software peddling their wares on this site. The two types of simulation are way too different to realistically constitute serious competition.
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The following user said thank you: Sam Tugwell
New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 19/12/2012 at 12:25 #39391
609 posts
" said:
" said:
" said:
And before you get on your high horse, all this is my opinion and take on it all. Agree/Disagree then that's your opinion too
It's an opinion you could quite safely have kept to yourself, instead of making rude comments on a public forum.
Point out the rude part of my comment. And if a topic is posted on the site and I am a member of that site like yourself am entitled to my opinion and post
"It looks pretty poor and doesn't even put a par on Simsig. Won't be wasting my money on this."

"Cheap made program"

It LOOKS pretty poor. If you haven't played it yet (I assume you haven't downloaded the trial version), you don't know for certain. You also claim it is cheaply-made, which is another unfounded assumption on your part, as I'm sure they didn't just knock it together one lunchtime down the pub.

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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 19/12/2012 at 12:39 #39392
27 posts
"It looks pretty poor and doesn't even put a par on Simsig. Won't be wasting my money on this."

My Opinion

"Cheap made program"

Again my opinion

"It LOOKS pretty poor"

Yet again my opinion

"If you haven't played it yet (I assume you haven't downloaded the trial version), you don't know for certain"

I have indeed tried it and I wouldn't make such comments otherwise

" You also claim it is cheaply-made, which is another unfounded assumption on your part"

Again my opinion

Still awaiting on the rude comment that I apparently made. If they are going to post or advertise, they're program on this site then of course comparisons are going to be made between Blockpost and Simsig.


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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 19/12/2012 at 12:47 #39393
609 posts
" said:
Still awaiting on the rude comment that I apparently made. If they are going to post or advertise, they're program on this site then of course comparisons are going to be made between Blockpost and Simsig.
The comments I singled out above are what I consider to be the "rude" bits and, since we're playing this game, they are rude in MY opinion. And as we're getting nowhere with this silly argument, I'm going to say no more on the matter.

This is the bit where you have the last word.

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The following user said thank you: GoochyB
New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 19/12/2012 at 12:50 #39394
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
Lets just calm down a wee bit here.

Geoff at posting 32 said

" said:
I've been asked why this thread is running, promoting somebody else's product. I don't mind as it's the same topic but completely different - SimSig is more modern MAS, whereas this is semaphore signalling in traditional boxes.

However, once their website is going, I hope they will have a forum to discuss their own products!

It looks like they are part way there.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
Last edited: 19/12/2012 at 12:51 by Peter Bennet
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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 19/12/2012 at 13:58 #39395
Peter Jordan
23 posts
As of today you are now able to download for free the demonstration version of the Exeter West PC simulation from the 'Blockpost Software' website.

It will run on all versions of 'Windows' from Windows 98 onwards. More information on system requirements (including screen resolution) is available on the website.

To find the simulation go to : www.blockpostsoftware.co.uk and scroll down the page to the 'Free Download' button.

Have fun!

Peter Jordan

Chairman, Exeter West Group

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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 19/12/2012 at 14:11 #39396
Peter Jordan
23 posts
I came here a few minutes ago to give folk the news that the free demonstration version of Exeter West is now available, and I have been shocked and saddened by some of the recent postings I have read.

Let me give 'George 12345' some FACTS:

The Exeter West simulation has taken over two years to develop. with 15,000- plus lines of coding. It is still under development from the point of view of timetables,and upgrades will be made available from time to time.

The graphics are undoubtedly the finest that have ever been made available for a mechanical signal box simulation. If 'George 12345' knows of a program or programs with better graphics, then we will be very interested to know about them. And no, we don't want to know about panel box or IECC simulations - we're talking MECHANICAL BOXES here.

If it doesn't upset 'George 12345' too much he might just now like to try the demonstration simulation and, while he is doing it, zoom in the screenshot to see just how amazing the graphics are. Then if he changes his mind perhsps he can have the decency to post an apology here.

Peter Jordan

Chairman, Exeter West Group

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The following users said thank you: GoochyB, Signalhunter, guidomcc, TimTamToe, Zoe, Sam Tugwell
New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 19/12/2012 at 14:53 #39397
Sam Tugwell
493 posts
george12345 said:
The topic's been here since October so that's that theory out the window.
Peter Jordan has been kind enough to update us with the production of these, hence why the topic hasn't disappeared. Whilst you have clearly displayed that you are not interested in the Blockpost series, others might be.

As you quite often say, its down to opinion. Some people prefer the Mechanical simulations, of which SimSig is not specialized for. SimSig produces IECC simulations, which Blockpost does not, and some people prefer to simulate signalling in this way. It is completely unfair to make the comparison that you made between Blockpost and Simsig.

I for one, appreciate the work of both teams, and look forward to trialing out Exeter West as well as playing the several IECC style simulations made by Simsig.


"Signalman Exeter"
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The following users said thank you: AndyG, TimTamToe, NCC1701, GoochyB
New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 19/12/2012 at 15:39 #39399
3635 posts
" said:
Listen bottom line is it shouldn't even be posted on this website in my opinion. This forum should be about one thing and one thing only, Simsig and no some cheap made program.

The developers/owners are taking advantage of this site and are dangerously diverting, some minor people away to purchase their programs when they could be buying Simsig products.

And before you get on your high horse, all this is my opinion and take on it all. Agree/Disagree then that's your opinion too

whilst i appreciate it is your opinion, i beleive Geoff owns SimSig/cajon and has previously stated that he has no issue with Blockpost using the SimSig forum in the interim between receiving its website. it has now done this and peter provided us a basic update.i dont see how they have taken advantage when geoffs permission has been sought. clearly geoff also agrees SimSig/blockpost are not competitors.

my final comment: we're comparing two signalling simulations developed for the enjoyment of the community, not for fat cat capitalist money making, and this spririt of this whole "joint" thread reflects that quite well.

PS: i can clarify IMO that blockpost is not cheap and is certainly the finest simulation of mechanical working i have found avaiable.

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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The following user said thank you: TimTamToe
New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 19/12/2012 at 15:40 #39400
148 posts
I am certainly sadened by some of the sentiments of certain members of this forum.

This has been a huge amount of work and as a member of exeter west (hopefully passing out on the box this weekend) i can assure you that it is an incredibly accurate simulation of the box and i have never seen anything close to its functionality. The graphics may not be amazing but with the amount of work it takes to get it working i can understand why there has not been more time on them but actually what more do you need? It looks like a signal box to some extent and it certainly could be a lot more basic!


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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 19/12/2012 at 16:48 #39403
27 posts
" said:
I came here a few minutes ago to give folk the news that the free demonstration version of Exeter West is now available, and I have been shocked and saddened by some of the recent postings I have read.

Let me give 'George 12345' some FACTS:

The Exeter West simulation has taken over two years to develop. with 15,000- plus lines of coding. It is still under development from the point of view of timetables,and upgrades will be made available from time to time.

The graphics are undoubtedly the finest that have ever been made available for a mechanical signal box simulation. If 'George 12345' knows of a program or programs with better graphics, then we will be very interested to know about them. And no, we don't want to know about panel box or IECC simulations - we're talking MECHANICAL BOXES here.

If it doesn't upset 'George 12345' too much he might just now like to try the demonstration simulation and, while he is doing it, zoom in the screenshot to see just how amazing the graphics are. Then if he changes his mind perhsps he can have the decency to post an apology here.

Peter Jordan

Chairman, Exeter West Group
Am certainly not going to post an apology in here for simply given my view of opinion.

Lordmwa Says
" I am certainly sadened by some of the sentiments of certain members of this forum " I agree with this comment at the fact that people forget that this forum is meant to be for the discussion of Simsig or the real thing.

Geoff has certainly has given his permission for the post of the topic and I'm not arguing with that fact, I'm simply saying that I don't think it should be dicussed here and I don't think the program is that great too be honest.

If people spend there money on this simulation, then it's money that has been generated from the publicity of posting in this forum, IT COULD have an impact on the future of Simsig or the development of future Sim's.

The Owner/Peter/Updater should relise if your going to post about another sim then you WILL get discussion's on your program And yes it won't be everyone's cup of tea and it certainly isn't mine, but you post on Simsig then I is a member won't be intemediated by anyone to raise my point of view.

And this indeed clarify's that I won't be wasting anymore time in posting in this thread, as I've wasted about 15 minutes in playing your program and another 5 minutes talking in a pointless thread.

Good Luck in your adventures


Last edited: 19/12/2012 at 16:49 by george12345
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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 19/12/2012 at 17:13 #39406
Sam Tugwell
493 posts
george12345 said:
If people spend there money on this simulation, then it's money that has been generated from the publicity of posting in this forum, IT COULD have an impact on the future of Simsig or the development of future Sim's.

As has been previously stated many times in this thread, SimSig is designed to interpret IECCs, where as Blockpost has been produced to simulate Mechanical Signal Boxes. Now these are two very very different things. Some people prefer IECC layouts, some Mechanical Signal Boxes.

Put simply, It is two different markets.


"Signalman Exeter"
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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 19/12/2012 at 17:14 #39407
6325 posts
I don't think there's anything further to gain in continuing the discussion. We have agreed to link to each other's websites in the spirit of cooperation.
SimSig Boss
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The following users said thank you: postal, kbarber, Sam Tugwell, JamesN