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Rearrange signal context menu

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Rearrange signal context menu 04/04/2014 at 20:39 #58401
1461 posts
" said:
I certainly know someone who knew his way around the one at North Pole well enough to make it work for the first time in years. That woke them up a bit at Old Oak panel, I can tell you. I think you'd know the name Danny, but I won't out him publicly unless he's willing - if you want the contact. And it wouldn't surprise me if JRB on the Blower knew where to find out what you'd need to know. Of course, getting the describer units would be the other problem.
The group probably has some technical expertise somewhere (Danny Scroggins certainly has enough contacts to find someone who does!) - and as you say, JRB seems to know anything about everything. If, somehow, a describer (or describers) was to appear, I'm sure it would be happily accepted - but whether there exists an avid collector of train describer equipment, I don't know...

I'm curious as to who that man with the magic touch was - I do have a couple of names in mind!

Last edited: 04/04/2014 at 20:41 by Danny252
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Rearrange signal context menu 12/04/2014 at 03:11 #58733
1637 posts
After 51 posts in this thread debating the pros and cons I finally decided to create a macro in AutoHotkey which makes it easy and comfortable to Interpose or Cancel from a signal.

With the mouse cursor over a signal, press Shift+Left-click to open the Interpose window, or Shift+Right-click to Cancel a TD in a berth at that signal. As usual, press Enter or click OK to close the Interpose window. Naturally, this won't work if you have selected "Right-click cancels route" in F3 Options, since no context menu appears, which I guess is why the "I" key shortcut was introduced.

If these hotkey combinations don't suit you, you can easily change them to something else. Don't use this macro to Interpose/Cancel from a berth; instead, use the R-click context menu (Sacro's method), which is quick and easy to reach as the Interpose/Cancel options are right at the top of the menu. Personally, I much prefer interposing in signals than in berths; signals don't move just as you are about to interpose, and allow you to interpose way ahead of the train if necessary.

First, add these two lines to the Auto-Execute Section (AES) of your .ahk script:
GroupAdd, SimSigView, ahk_class TMDIViewForm ;Loader sims
GroupAdd, SimSigView, ahk_class TSDIViewForm ;Older pre-Loader sims

This enables the macro to work in pre-Loader as well as Loader sims, which use slightly different Window classes.

Now, add these lines to the main body of your script:

;#Interpose/Cancel Train Description at signal: Shift+LMB/RMB
;Mouse cursor must be on a signal in View Window
;This opens the signal context menu and then Interpose window
;After interposing/cancelling TD, press Enter to close Interpose window
;Won't work if "Right-click cancels route" is selected

#IfWinActive ahk_group SimSigView
+LButton::Send {Click right}{Up 2}{Enter}

+RButton::Send {Click right}{Up}{Enter}
#IfWinActive ;optionally removes specificity


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Rearrange signal context menu 12/04/2014 at 19:10 #58775
895 posts
" said:
Shift+Right-click to Cancel a TD in a berth at that signal. As usual, press Enter or click OK to close the Interpose window. Naturally, this won't work if you have selected "Right-click cancels route" in F3 Options, since no context menu appears, which I guess is why the "I" key shortcut was introduced.

With the right click cancels route unchecked, pressing shift and rightclicking on the signal cancels the route (with right click cancels route checked it opens up the drop down list)
so by implementing this macro, you are now giving the sim contradicting information.

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Rearrange signal context menu 13/04/2014 at 00:28 #58794
1637 posts
y10g9 wrote:
With the right click cancels route unchecked, pressing shift and rightclicking on the signal cancels the route (with right click cancels route checked it opens up the drop down list)
so by implementing this macro, you are now giving the sim contradicting information.
You've got it the wrong way around. When Right-click cancels route is checked, right-clicking on the entry signal does not display a context menu; it simply cancels the route. The context menu does not open, so the extra macro commands have no effect. When the option is unchecked, right-clicking displays the context menu. The macros take advantage of this by sending extra commands to the context menu to open the Interpose window or Cancel the Train Description (not Cancel the Route). This works fine for me and suggests you have not actually tried out the macro but are theorising.

No "contradicting information" is being sent, unless you are implying that (shift+)left-clicking to cancel a train description conflicts with right-clicking to cancel a route. Note that macros function between the keyboard and the target application. In this instance AutoHotkey is very specific; it can distinguish between Left-click and Shift+Left-click, and between any old window and the View window, so what SimSig "sees" is what AutoHotkey sends it, in this case a Right-click to open the context menu and further commands to select Interpose or Cancel.

Two other points to mention to anyone using this macro:
1) Be wary of using it to Interpose/Cancel on shunt signals, since not all of them are linked to berths. Right-clicking on a shunt signal will tell you this; if Interpose and Cancel are greyed out (disabled), you cannot do it from there; you have to interpose from the next main (= running) signal.

2) If you find the macro occasionally fails to fire, you may need to add a short delay, such as the line Sleep n where n is a delay in milliseconds, e.g., Sleep 100, to give the context menu a little more time to open. I haven't needed to do this so far.

One minor annoyance with the signal context menu is that if you have first L-clicked the signal as if to begin setting a route, then you change your mind and decide to Interpose or Cancel a TD, you need to R-click twice; once to cancel setting the route (the route stops flashing) and again to open the context menu. This is true even without using a macro. To fix this, R-click twice, rather than once. I decided to build this into the macros, along with slight delays to smooth things out. Here is the amended code which you may prefer to use.

#IfWinActive ahk_group SimSigView
Sleep 100
Send {Click right 2}
Sleep 100
Send {Up 2}{Enter}

Send {Click right 2}
Sleep 100
Send {Up}{Enter}
#IfWinActive ;optionally removes specificity

Last edited: 13/04/2014 at 04:53 by maxand
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Rearrange signal context menu 13/04/2014 at 09:07 #58804
3946 posts
" said:
y10g9 wrote:
With the right click cancels route unchecked, pressing shift and rightclicking on the signal cancels the route (with right click cancels route checked it opens up the drop down list)
so by implementing this macro, you are now giving the sim contradicting information.
You've got it the wrong way around. When Right-click cancels route is checked, right-clicking on the entry signal does not display a context menu; it simply cancels the route. The context menu does not open, so the extra macro commands have no effect. When the option is unchecked, right-clicking displays the context menu. The macros take advantage of this by sending extra commands to the context menu to open the Interpose window or Cancel the Train Description (not Cancel the Route). This works fine for me and suggests you have not actually tried out the macro but are theorising.

No "contradicting information" is being sent, unless you are implying that (shift+)left-clicking to cancel a train description conflicts with right-clicking to cancel a route. Note that macros function between the keyboard and the target application. In this instance AutoHotkey is very specific; it can distinguish between Left-click and Shift+Left-click, and between any old window and the View window, so what SimSig "sees" is what AutoHotkey sends it, in this case a Right-click to open the context menu and further commands to select Interpose or Cancel.
I've tried it and it does work, however y10g9's still has a point: Shift+Right click has already been allocated. Perhaps Ctrl+click?

I still don't understand why the macro is necessary though:

Your method: Move mouse to signal, press and hold shift key, click, enter description.
SimSig's method: Press I key, enter description, move mouse to signal, click.

Aren't they the same thing? Plus SimSig's method doesn't require any additional software to be set up.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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Rearrange signal context menu 13/04/2014 at 09:17 #58807
658 posts
" said:

I've tried it and it does work, however y10g9's still has a point: Shift+Right click has already been allocated. Perhaps Ctrl+click?

I still don't understand why the macro is necessary though:

Your method: Move mouse to signal, press and hold shift key, click, enter description.
SimSig's method: Press I key, enter description, move mouse to signal, click.

Aren't they the same thing? Plus SimSig's method doesn't require any additional software to be set up.
Isn't SimSig's built in method, less clicks / key strikes (less holding anyway)....

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The following users said thank you: LucasLCC, larsht
Rearrange signal context menu 13/04/2014 at 10:58 #58809
1637 posts
Shift+Right click has already been allocated
That's a new one to me. What does it do? No one's put that in the Shortcut Keys page in the Wiki. I don't use it myself.

Anyway, the beauty of macros is that you can tailor hotkeys to anything you like - great for handicapped users who find macro applications worth the learning curve.

I've never felt as comfortable using the I key method as 1) being right-handed, I have to reach across the keyboard with my left hand to find and press the I key instead of leaving my L hand on the home keys (all right, I could use my R hand for this but still have to find the key - it's unnatural for a touch typist), and 2) after typing in the headcode, I feel there's always a risk of clicking in the wrong place, then having to start all over again.

I still don't believe that most SimSig players place and remove Reminders more than they Interpose and Cancel TDs, as one person claimed. I find it amazing that so many people claim the current menu order suits them just fine. If the devs changed the order as I proposed, I would probably give up using a macro here. But on balance, the macro works better for me than having to drag the mouse each time to the bottom of the menu, as happened so frequently to me.

Of course, the devs could also assign a mnemonic to this and other context items. Many app menus are rich in mnemonics and many (I'm thinking of my favourite text editors here) even have a special Options page for changing hotkeys, which suits those who need to adapt as well as macro writers. Unfortunately, SimSig is mouse-bound in so many places, which significantly limits its user-friendliness. And I don't care how many members of my personal fan club respond to this paragraph in unflattering ways.

Last edited: 13/04/2014 at 11:24 by maxand
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Rearrange signal context menu 13/04/2014 at 11:25 #58811
3946 posts
" said:
Shift+Right click has already been allocated
That's a new one to me. What does it do? No one's put that in the Shortcut Keys page in the Wiki. I don't use it myself.
It inverts the selection of 'Right click cancels route'. So if the box is ticked, Shift+R click displays the context menu. It's not on that page, but it is mentioned here, and can be found using a Wiki search. In fact, if I'm reading this post and this post correctly, it was your idea to add it!

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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Rearrange signal context menu 13/04/2014 at 11:57 #58814
3946 posts
I've never felt as comfortable using the I key method as 1) being right-handed, I have to reach across the keyboard with my left hand to find and press the I key instead of leaving my L hand on the home keys (all right, I could use my R hand for this but still have to find the key - it's unnatural for a touch typist), and 2) after typing in the headcode, I feel there's always a risk of clicking in the wrong place, then having to start all over again.

I still don't believe that most SimSig players place and remove Reminders more than they Interpose and Cancel TDs, as one person claimed. I find it amazing that so many people claim the current menu order suits them just fine.
Frankly, I think the rest of us are amazed that you find moving your hands across a keyboard so objectionable. We'll have to differ on this one. I'm also right-handed, but find the 'I+click method' fine. It's become automatic now, so I honestly can't tell you off the top of my head whether I use my left or right hand. I take your point about being worried about clicking the wrong signal, but I find this happens very rarely.

Of course, the devs could also assign a mnemonic to this and other context items. Many app menus are rich in mnemonics and many (I'm thinking of my favourite text editors here) even have a special Options page for changing hotkeys, which suits those who need to adapt as well as macro writers.
If Mnemonics are what I think they are, the menus already contain them, by pressing the first letter of the menu item. The A key cancels the TD at that signal (C already being used on Cancel Route), and Auto Working does not have a key.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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Rearrange signal context menu 13/04/2014 at 13:38 #58817
1637 posts
Steamer wrote:
It inverts the selection of 'Right click cancels route'. So if the box is ticked, Shift+R click displays the context menu.
Good heavens! It works, too. Whoever thought of that must be a genius.

I only recently started playing Loader sims so forgot all about it, didn't realize it had been incorporated.

No problems, your suggestion to use Ctrl+Left-click to Interpose from a signal, Ctrl+R-click to Cancel a TD from a signal would work almost as well except my Ctrl key is smaller than my Shift key and I also need to move my L little finger diagonally down and sideways further to reach it. Simply substitute a caret (not a carrot) for the plus sign:

^LButton:: ;Ctrl+Left-click

^RButton:: ;Ctrl+Right-click

I think I'll continue using my macro at present, since I always like to see the signal number displayed in the context menu and have become used to cancelling a Route via the context menu.

But is there an even better solution?

The actions of Left-clicking on a signal are already well established. However, several functions compete for the Right-click. These are, in my estimate of frequency:

1) Determine its number (ID);
2) Cancel a route from it;
3) Interpose a TD if it has an associated berth;
4) Cancel a TD if it has an associated berth;
5) Apply or remove a Reminder (collar).

Three fundamental principles apply to right-clicking:
1) Users who don't RTFM expect a context menu to open;
2) In SimSig, right-clicking is usually associated with turning a feature OFF, as opposed to left-clicking.
3) Users don't like having to re-learn established habits.

From my own experience, pressing Shift+Left-click to open the Interpose window is easy, does not require as much left hand movement as reaching for I, nor requires any dragging. This hotkey is not used for anything else at present, so let's make it an alternative way to Interpose.

That leaves us with three much-used functions vying for the most comfortable key combination:
1) Display Context menu, which includes setting Reminders, Cancelling Routes, Interposing and Cancelling TDs should we wish;
2) Invert the effect of R-Clicking (Cancel Route or display context menu);
3) Cancel Train Description.

We also have three remaining easily-accessed hotkeys: Shift+Right-click, Ctrl+Left-click and Ctrl+Right-click. How convenient.

Retain the existing checkbox "Right-click cancels route".

Create three groups of three interlinked radio buttons (1,2,3 below) with the following dialogues:

Shift+Right-click: (1)Inverts R-clicking (2)Displays context menu (3)Cancels Train Description

Ctrl+Left-click: (1) Inverts R-clicking (2) Displays context menu (3) Cancels Train Description

Ctrl+Right-click: (1) Inverts R-clicking (2) Displays context menu (3) Cancels Train Description

so that each radio button function is linked to only one hotkey.

Now you can try out various combinations until you find the one that suits you best.

Last edited: 13/04/2014 at 14:22 by maxand
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Rearrange signal context menu 13/04/2014 at 14:00 #58819
5208 posts
" said:
And I don't care how many members of my personal fan club respond to this paragraph in unflattering ways.
" said:
But is there an even better solution?

I can't speak for anyone else, but you've got me wrong. I have no qualms in stating that I am a member of your personal fan club and have posted a number of times over the years that it is good to have someone who keeps prodding away at the comfortable old habits. I have to say that the debates you have started on the Forum have given me many hours of entertainment.

I do hope that one day you manage to identify a problem and find a solution for the benefit of us all rather than identifying so many solutions, each one in search of a problem.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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The following users said thank you: LucasLCC, maxand, lazzer
Rearrange signal context menu 13/04/2014 at 14:04 #58820
3946 posts
Now you can try out various combinations until you find the one that suits you best.
I take it 'Adapt to the interface provided and get lots of experience with it' isn't an acceptable combination?

That's the one that works for me...

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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The following user said thank you: DriverCurran
Rearrange signal context menu 13/04/2014 at 14:06 #58821
1637 posts
Steamer wrote:
If Mnemonics are what I think they are, the menus already contain them, by pressing the first letter of the menu item. The A key cancels the TD at that signal (C already being used on Cancel Route), and Auto Working does not have a key.
I was thinking more about Alt-mnemonics, where holding down the Alt key when opening a menu turns on underlining of mnemonic keys, e.g., suppose a menu option is "Compound" and the mnemonic for this is the first "o" since there's another menu option commencing with C, so that letter's taken. Holding down the Alt key displays the option as "Compound".

But you're absolutely correct, thank you again. A mnemonic is a mnemonic, Alt key or not. Well, now I feel a bigger fool than ever. Who could have guessed? Nothing about this in the Wiki - nothing in Keyboard Shortcuts, Train Describers, Setting and Cancelling Routes, etc., AFAIK. And worst of all, no underlined mnemonics in any of the menus! There is absolutely no excuse for this.

Well, why don't you write this up in the Wiki, I hear you say? Maybe, when I've had time to cool off.

While using mnemonics is certainly useful in many situations to those who prefer the keyboard, I still abide by my previous post for offering Shift/Ctrl+L/R click combinations, for the simple reason that you have to open the context menu first before you can press the mnemonic key, and if you've opened the context menu by R-clicking you might as well go all the way and use the mouse to make your selection. So simply being able to press Shift (or Ctrl), then L or R click involves no extra typing and is much faster. Needless to say, these choice hotkeys should only be used for the most-used functions where speed is of the essence.

Well now, knowing about these secret mnemonics creates new opportunities for macros....

Will post again with some revised code.

I take it 'Adapt to the interface provided and get lots of experience with it' isn't an acceptable combination? ;)
If my job depended on not rocking the boat, then I might, and can understand how this attitude continues to colour exposure to new interfaces. However, once I cultivated an appreciation of good vs inadequate interface design, I stopped thinking like Clark Kent.

Last edited: 13/04/2014 at 14:18 by maxand
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Rearrange signal context menu 13/04/2014 at 14:18 #58822
3946 posts
" said:

But you're absolutely correct, thank you again. A mnemonic is a mnemonic, Alt key or not. Well, now I feel a bigger fool than ever. Who could have guessed? Nothing about this in the Wiki - nothing in Keyboard Shortcuts, Train Describers, Setting and Cancelling Routes, etc., AFAIK. And worst of all, no underlined mnemonics in any of the menus! There is absolutely no excuse for this.
To be fair, mnemonics are underlined for common commands in F3, F6 and F4/TT editor.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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Rearrange signal context menu 13/04/2014 at 14:36 #58823
3946 posts
" said:

I take it 'Adapt to the interface provided and get lots of experience with it' isn't an acceptable combination? ;)
If my job depended on not rocking the boat, then I might, and can understand how this attitude continues to colour exposure to new interfaces. However, once I cultivated an appreciation of good vs inadequate interface design, I stopped thinking like Clark Kent.
If the SimSig interface is so bad, how is it that non-signallers like me can control areas like New Street single-handedly? For all your use of sticky notes, train lists and macros, I think you're just adding layers of complexity that's stopping you focussing on the main task. If you build up a massive list of things to do before setting a route, it's no wonder you're getting behind. Play the simulation as it is, and in time you'll be able to look at an area and be able to run 90% of it without much thought. Getting wound up over trivial details isn't going to help.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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The following users said thank you: postal, John, TimTamToe, peterb
Rearrange signal context menu 13/04/2014 at 14:38 #58824
Stephen Fulcher
2047 posts
There is a simple answer here:

Those who have no issue with the SimSig interface need not worry about what Max is suggesting, can either read it and not try what he suggests, or ignore it all together.

Those who either have an issue with it, or want to try something different are being given an option by Max as to how this can be done.

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The following users said thank you: CTCThiago, larsht
Rearrange signal context menu 13/04/2014 at 14:50 #58825
1637 posts
To be fair, mnemonics are underlined for common commands in F3, F6 and F4/TT editor.
Thanks for pointing that out. I really meant the context menus in the View window and should have checked around a bit more before posting.

When the main window (File - Show - Timetable, etc.) has focus (is the active window), holding down the Alt key brings out the Alt-mnemonics. So Alt-mnemonics and letter mnemonics do work in some parts of SimSig. However, there is a maddening inconsistency about some menus. For example, in the Timetable List, the first 4 tabs have mnemonics assigned, the remainder don't. But my greatest gripe is that pressing the Alt key fails to display mnemonics in so many other menus that one might be forgiven for thinking there were none. This applies particularly to the context menus within the View menu. Good god, if for some reason alt-mnemonics won't work here, at least the devs could permanently underline the relevant mnemonic.

I'm sure that in Delphi, as in most languages, there is a little mnemonic box that one can check as one creates a menu.

As another example, click anywhere in blackspace in the View menu. The last item is Save Bitmap. Now if you didn't bother checking the other options you might assume the mnemonic was S. Pressing S, of course, activates Stay on top, since it's the first one starting with S on the list. So now we play 'hunt the mnemonic'. It turns out to be Save.

Last edited: 13/04/2014 at 14:53 by maxand
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Rearrange signal context menu 13/04/2014 at 15:02 #58828
3946 posts
" said:
To be fair, mnemonics are underlined for common commands in F3, F6 and F4/TT editor.
When the main window (File - Show - Timetable, etc.) has focus (is the active window), holding down the Alt key brings out the Alt-mnemonics. So Alt-mnemonics and letter mnemonics do work in some parts of SimSig. However, there is a maddening inconsistency about some menus. For example, in the Timetable List, the first 4 tabs have mnemonics assigned, the remainder don't. But my greatest gripe is that pressing the Alt key fails to display mnemonics in so many other menus that one might be forgiven for thinking there were none. This applies particularly to the context menus within the View menu. Good god, if for some reason alt-mnemonics won't work here, at least the devs could permanently underline the relevant mnemonic.
I agree, the lack of underling is an oversight, and it would be nice to see this corrected. I suspect the lack of consistency is due to the availability of suitable letters, and the prioritising of common operations. For example, while the first four F4 tabs are used commonly for reference and when writing a timetable, the Tools pages are rarely used, and so haven't been given a letter.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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Rearrange signal context menu 14/04/2014 at 09:52 #58856
1719 posts
" said:

Create three groups of three interlinked radio buttons (1,2,3 below) with the following dialogues:

Shift+Right-click: (1)Inverts R-clicking (2)Displays context menu (3)Cancels Train Description

Ctrl+Left-click: (1) Inverts R-clicking (2) Displays context menu (3) Cancels Train Description

Ctrl+Right-click: (1) Inverts R-clicking (2) Displays context menu (3) Cancels Train Description

so that each radio button function is linked to only one hotkey.

Now you can try out various combinations until you find the one that suits you best.

It seems to me one consequence of this is that learning to use the menu & hotkey systems becomes an even larger task than learning to operate the signalbox (which is, after all, what we're here for).

I can (well, sort-of) see some of Max's point. To anyone who doesn't have a good grounding in how the (UK) railway works, SimSig can seem a bit daunting. Learning some of the bigger jobs has its daunting aspects for those of us who grew up in the box!

But the present interface is what you get in a real signalbox. And, far from Max's jibe at it being as it is only because people's jobs depend on not rocking the boat, it is that way because it works.

The UK standard interface was developed by British Rail back in the 1980s. That's right; it's a product of the bad old 'deeply inefficient' can't-run-a-railway-for-toffees nationalised system that's been airbrushed out of the official history. It was also developed at a time when available processing power and memory was small (read infinitesimal) compared with what we've got now, and a good deal more expensive. (Sidetrack for a moment. In 1988 I was working in the Broxbourne Area Manager's Office when PCs started coming in, soon augmented by a network that would (via BR's much admired 'iron ring'allow direct entry of personnel and paybill data. The fileserver on that network had an external hard drive that, at the rate we used it, would last a good ten years before it filled up. We weren't a large area, but we'd managed to get a bigger disc than we should've done and we were proud to boast a 30kB hard drive! And the lights in the building flickered when it was powered up each Monday morning!!) Of course anything approved for signalling use would be older, given the need for a very rigorous approval procedure. (Would you have wanted to rely on a signalling system driven by Vista???) BR computing had a very high reputation in the industry, I believe, so the signalling interface would've had a lot of attention to get it right.

Not only that, there was (in spite of what you'd think from the annual sabre-rattling pay claim ritual) a very good relationship between management and trades unions. That was helped by a system in which full-time union officers, up to quite a senior level, were working railwaymen who were subject to regular elections (the railway - theoretically - held their jobs open for them so they could return when they lost an election). So the union side was in close touch with their members. Both sides were acutely aware that the signalling interface was a safety-critical matter and therefore needed to be designed for ease of conversion for existing signalmen and for ease of use without silly mistakes under pressure. I would imagine there were a number of different mock-up designs, each with several iterations before they even left the developers' offices, with the final version being chosen for further development after extensive consultation. The first live installation was at Leicester in the mid-80s (the same time that Automatic Routesetting was being trialled at Three Bridges and Solid State Interlocking at Leamington). It wasn't perpetuated until Liverpool Street IECC opened in 1989, so I imagine there was an extensive feedback and evaluation process going on.

The proof of the pudding... This interface is now in use at numerous locations up & down the country. It has proved itself in battle (you only want to see a rough peak at Liverpool St or Fenchurch St to know what I mean) and there has been almost no change since then. Which suggests, to me, that it's doing the job it was designed to do perfectly adequately and couldn't be significantly improved by tinkering. It ain't broke...

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The following users said thank you: maxand, Steamer, BarryM
Rearrange signal context menu 14/04/2014 at 14:00 #58866
1637 posts
Thanks Keith for another scholarly post!

But the present interface is what you get in a real signalbox.

Did you mean that "Right-click cancels route" and the wording and listing order of the various context menus in the View window was taken from the actual IECC panel (assuming that it has a r-click context menu)?
If so, that comes as a complete surprise to me, but goes a long way towards explaining the formidable resistance to change seen in this forum.

I thought these might have been SimSig design decisions made independently by GeoffM et al., in which case any improvement that offers more choice or comfort would be judged solely on its ergonomic merit. But it seems I overlooked the inertial drag of established practice, deeply embedded by repetition. It certainly ain't broke; in fact, it's alive and well.

Would you have wanted to rely on a signalling system driven by Vista???

I used to have a cartoon in my collection of the flight deck of an airliner whose avionics ran on Windows operating system. Just as the pilot was coming in to land in difficult weather, the screen came up with an announcement that the system needed to reboot. 'Nuff said.

Last edited: 14/04/2014 at 14:17 by maxand
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Rearrange signal context menu 14/04/2014 at 14:25 #58869
1637 posts
Here's an update of my original macro:

First, add these two lines to the Auto-Execute Section (AES) of your .ahk script:

GroupAdd, SimSigView, ahk_class TMDIViewForm ;Loader sims
GroupAdd, SimSigView, ahk_class TSDIViewForm ;Older pre-Loader sims

Now, add these lines to the main body of your script:
#IfWinActive ahk_group SimSigView
Sleep 100 ;short delay desirable here
Send {Click right 2}
Send i ;(I)nterpose mnemonic

Send {Click right}
Send a ;c(A)ncel mnemonic
#IfWinActive ;optionally removes specificity

Much easier and less error-prone.

Last edited: 14/04/2014 at 15:00 by maxand
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Rearrange signal context menu 14/04/2014 at 15:01 #58870
452 posts
" said:
Much easier and less error-prone.
How does the manual addition of macros make running the sim "much easier and less error-prone"?

What does it contribute to the operation of the game?

If whatever you're trying to achieve was worthwhile then I'm sure it would be already included in the system code.

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Rearrange signal context menu 14/04/2014 at 15:11 #58872
1719 posts
" said:
Thanks Keith for another scholarly post!

But the present interface is what you get in a real signalbox.

Did you mean that "Right-click cancels route" and the wording and listing order of the various context menus in the View window was taken from the actual IECC panel (assuming that it has a r-click context menu)?
If so, that comes as a complete surprise to me, but goes a long way towards explaining the formidable resistance to change seen in this forum.
I've never worked one so I'm just a little hazy on what the keyboard actually does. But thinking about it, I suspect you're right - there may not be a right-click context menu. But I think there is a custom keyboard with keys assigned to these various functions, so I imagine Geoff and others in the early days were trying to reproduce with a standard mouse and PC keyboard what the IECC interface does with a trackerball that has 5 buttons plus a series of custom keys.

So far as the actual arrangement of the signal context menu is concerned, I stick by my original surmise and conclusion - that because the reminders are safety-related they logically should come above the describer functions that, however much more often they're used, are less important. Your job on the railway wouldn't be threatened if you spoke up about an interface that wasn't fit for purpose (well, except for a few places where there's total idiots for managers). But your future as a designer would look decidedly bleak if ever you prioritised operational convenience over safety!

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Rearrange signal context menu 14/04/2014 at 15:28 #58874
6326 posts
No right-click menus on IECCs, Westcads, or MCSs. The "rule" always used to be that VDUs should never overlay/obscure any part of the signalling diagram, thus ruling out any pop-up menus. The menus at the bottom of VDU systems just overlay that section of the screen with submenus.

As for "formidable resistance to change seen in this forum", maybe it is just you that wants change! Maybe others are quite happy with the status quo.

SimSig Boss
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Rearrange signal context menu 14/04/2014 at 19:04 #58882
Stephen Fulcher
2047 posts
It may be worth adding that in a real IECC or similar signal box in the UK, a lot of the tasks that are being described in this thread, and in may others, which Max has suggested macros for, would actually be carried out using the keyboard, which has very limited functionality on SimSig relative to the real thing.

For instance, to interpose a TD, signalmen can write xxxx yyyy "INT" where x is the berth number (usually the same as the signal number), y is the train headcode, and INT is a single button press on the IECC keyboard.

You can set and cancel routes using keyboard commands, and in fact the systems are designed that if the trackerball fails you have full functionality using just the keyboard. I have seen workstations worked with just the keyboard, and I have seen them worked with just the mouse.

This sort of extra functionality, combined with a signalmans intimate knowledge of the area he signs for and the fact that he has many more screens to see his area on, means that these kind of issues would never arise to any significant extent in the real world.

What SimSig does under certain settings (ie right click cancels route ON), is replicate the trackerball function almost precisely. What it does not yet do, and I have no idea if it is intended to do so at a later date, is have anywhere near the full keyboard functionality. It would also have to use comprimises if this were to be done because I do not know anyone who would have an IECC keyboard connected to their personal computer (although it does work because I once used the spare one for Leamington Spa Westcad on the SSI technicians terminal after the latters keyboard broke).

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