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Absolute block interface differences

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Absolute block interface differences 29/06/2016 at 20:34 #83295
16 posts
It seems to me that among the various sims there is a lot of differences in how the interface is setup for absolute block signalling. e.g. the two Wales sims are completely different from Exeter's single box, which is in turn different from Aston.

Has any thought been given to making these consistent, or are they intentionally different to improve verisimilitude among these various locations?

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Absolute block interface differences 29/06/2016 at 20:37 #83296
4869 posts
" said:
It seems to me that among the various sims there is a lot of differences in how the interface is setup for absolute block signalling. e.g. the two Wales sims are completely different from Exeter's single box, which is in turn different from Aston.

Has any thought been given to making these consistent, or are they intentionally different to improve verisimilitude among these various locations?
Exeter doesn't have Absolute Block, it has tokenless block and hence it is very different to the others.

The other differences are mainly down to different developers, my four sims (North Wales Coast, North East Wales, Shrewsbury, and Leamington Spa [Early era]) all use "my" version of AB, and I don't have any intention to change it to another type. A couple of my in development sims also use my version of AB as well.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Absolute block interface differences 29/06/2016 at 20:42 #83297
3945 posts
" said:
It seems to me that among the various sims there is a lot of differences in how the interface is setup for absolute block signalling. e.g. the two Wales sims are completely different from Exeter's single box, which is in turn different from Aston.

Has any thought been given to making these consistent, or are they intentionally different to improve verisimilitude among these various locations?
There is no Absolute Block on Exeter. I think you're referring to the Tokenless Block instrument, which is for the single line to Honiton. The way the instrument is operated is similar to the ones on Salisbury, but with a slight cosmetic difference in that it shows a representation of a needle indicating the different states, rather than lights.

The way Absolute Block instruments are simulated is currently down to the Developer. All of Karl (Headshot119)'s simulations (NWC, North East Wales, Shrewsbury and Leamington Spa) use the same representation. As you point out Aston (and Worksop) use a different display. I'm not sure if the latter two were written by the same person, or if the Aston developer liked the style used on Worksop and decided to copy it.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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Absolute block interface differences 29/06/2016 at 20:43 #83298
963 posts
" said:
A couple of my in development sims also use my version of AB as well.
That reminds me, I sent you a message on that very subject a while ago.


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Absolute block interface differences 29/06/2016 at 21:41 #83299
4869 posts
" said:
There is no Absolute Block on Exeter. I think you're referring to the Tokenless Block instrument, which is for the single line to Honiton. The way the instrument is operated is similar to the ones on Salisbury, but with a slight cosmetic difference in that it shows a representation of a needle indicating the different states, rather than lights.

The way Absolute Block instruments are simulated is currently down to the Developer. All of Karl (Headshot119)'s simulations (NWC, North East Wales, Shrewsbury and Leamington Spa) use the same representation. As you point out Aston (and Worksop) use a different display. I'm not sure if the latter two were written by the same person, or if the Aston developer liked the style used on Worksop and decided to copy it.
Aston and Worksop where written by the same developer; Howard Potter.

" said:

That reminds me, I sent you a message on that very subject a while ago.

So you have! I will reply shortly.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Absolute block interface differences 29/06/2016 at 21:54 #83300
16 posts
" said:
I think you're referring to the Tokenless Block instrument, which is for the single line to Honiton.
Yes, you are correct. Thank you.

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