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Legacy-look Timetable CSS

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Legacy-look Timetable CSS 01/07/2020 at 01:10 #128693
149 posts
I was responding to a specific suggestion/request.
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Legacy-look Timetable CSS 01/07/2020 at 04:25 #128695
6325 posts
DavidSplett in post 128690 said:
One suggestion:

An issue I found was the various numbers aren’t as distinctly placed as before, so with running a busy sim this means it takes time to digest rather than be able to extract info at a glance.

It would help if the engineering and pathing allowances were noted as they are in the timetable, eg [4] and (4). This would be really helpful, as it would avoid getting mixed up with platform numbers.
Perhaps not in exactly the way you want, but you could, for example, make platform numbers larger and bold, while allowances are shown in a smaller font.

Again, I've been playing :)

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SimSig Boss
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Legacy-look Timetable CSS 01/07/2020 at 07:08 #128701
512 posts
Hmm, as I said somewhere else I'm definitely in the 'if ain't broke don't fix it' camp and, in a sentence, I shouldn't like to see SimSig look any more like an iPhone app.

However, I find the tone and attitude of the OP a bit unhelpful and a bit unkind and a bit undiplomatic. There are people on the other side of this and they seem to have worked very hard to take constructive criticism on board. There are also different opinions from the users, many of which are positive, or definitely neutral!

I think some of the initial reactions to the release of version 5 must have taken a bit of a toll on those who spent many hours working hard on it and I think some people could have been a bit more understanding.

However, I think there may be a danger (and I've not seen any hint of this from Geoff to his credit) of writing off legitimate (even if ungraciously expressed) criticism as the whingeing of curmudgeonly old stick in the muds (sticks in the mud?) who just don't like change. Well maybe even some of us are and maybe in something like SimSig in particular what we prize above all is consistency. But I think it's worth remembering many have invested hundreds over the years and well, since one can't please everyone that might be reason enough by itself to stick to what's always been good enough in the past.

Anyway, my 2¢ for what they're worth, I'll say no more about that, I think enough has been said really.

With regards to the suggestion in the OP though, it certainly isn't as pretty but that is its virtue I would say. With respect, when you're regulating a busy sim, I would say what you want from your sources of information is nothing other than the information, with zero distractions and loading in an instant. If you're playing Manchester Piccadilly, I would venture that it shouldn't be controversial to say that what you don't wanna be thinking is 'oooh that looks nice'. I suppose thinking 'urgh, that looks ugly' isn't any more helpful, but, for a timetable I would say the only job of the formatting etc. is to disappear and be unnoticeable so that all you get is the information. I definitely find it takes me much longer to pick things out of the new timetables, but there again having what the train is doing at the time right there in the window is handy and I know a lot of people have found the new formatting of activities (divides, joins etc.) a massive improvement.

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The following users said thank you: pebbens, Edgemaster, Meld, Dick, VInce, y10g9, GeoffM
Legacy-look Timetable CSS 01/07/2020 at 07:12 #128702
1108 posts
GeoffM in post 128669 said:
lazzer in post 128666 said:
On a related note ...

I don't know if it's been acknowledged (or even seen), but in post #128519 in the "Loader V5 Released" thread, I asked if it would be possible to display train stops in the TT window in bold. I have nothing against the new display, but I find the "zebra stripes" slightly distracting when trying to pick out whether a train is stopping or passing through a station.
Apologies for not acknowledging your post, but I have partially incorporated this already. Example attached, but ignore the colour scheme - just playing around for demo purposes. You'll be able to lose the zebra types in the CSS.

That's fine Geoff as that's exactly what I mean so thank you for replying. One question though, would that come under simplifier or trainlist as there's two CSS files I can see?

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Legacy-look Timetable CSS 01/07/2020 at 08:39 #128704
1107 posts
Wait until v5.3 is released, then you can customise the simplifier, trainlist and pop up timetable individually to suit your needs
Passed the age to be doing 'Spoon Feeding' !!!
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The following user said thank you: ajax103
Legacy-look Timetable CSS 01/07/2020 at 10:40 #128705
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
For those that want things to be as-was can they simply reinstate the old file?


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Legacy-look Timetable CSS 01/07/2020 at 10:49 #128706
1107 posts
New loader test version = more playing with the CSS

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Passed the age to be doing 'Spoon Feeding' !!!
Last edited: 01/07/2020 at 10:56 by Meld
Reason: None given

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Legacy-look Timetable CSS 01/07/2020 at 11:10 #128708
902 posts
Meld in post 128706 said:
New loader test version = more playing with the CSS

Thats looking very Southern Railway green

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Legacy-look Timetable CSS 01/07/2020 at 11:45 #128710
384 posts
Now this would be progress

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The following users said thank you: DonRiver, jc92
Legacy-look Timetable CSS 01/07/2020 at 12:12 #128711
1710 posts
clive in post 128687 said:
VInce in post 128656 said:

Each to their own but to me it looks like something created in MS-DOS 1.1- remember that?
I preferred CP/M 2.2.
But wasn't that just green? Mind you, I do like green

Everything that you make will be useful - providing it's made of chocolate.
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Legacy-look Timetable CSS 01/07/2020 at 12:35 #128713
1171 posts
bugsy in post 128711 said:
clive in post 128687 said:
VInce in post 128656 said:

Each to their own but to me it looks like something created in MS-DOS 1.1- remember that?
I preferred CP/M 2.2.
But wasn't that just green? Mind you, I do like green :)
Didn't have to be, you could have bought an orange monitor!

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Legacy-look Timetable CSS 01/07/2020 at 15:08 #128726
1108 posts
Meld in post 128704 said:
Wait until v5.3 is released, then you can customise the simplifier, trainlist and pop up timetable individually to suit your needs
I look forward to v5.3 but are we already on v5.2 already?

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Legacy-look Timetable CSS 01/07/2020 at 15:26 #128727
5208 posts
ajax103 in post 128726 said:
Meld in post 128704 said:
Wait until v5.3 is released, then you can customise the simplifier, trainlist and pop up timetable individually to suit your needs
I look forward to v5.3 but are we already on v5.2 already?
Since 25/06/20. See this post.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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The following user said thank you: Meld
Legacy-look Timetable CSS 01/07/2020 at 15:43 #128729
5208 posts
clive in post 128687 said:
VInce in post 128656 said:

Each to their own but to me it looks like something created in MS-DOS 1.1- remember that?
I preferred CP/M 2.2.
On an ancient Sirius in 1984ish with 2 FDD (5 1/2", 1.2MB each) and no HDD. Can't remember if it had 512KB or 1024KB of RAM. Power up, insert the operating system disk (MS-DOS or CP/M) and wait while things booted up. Remove the OS disk, insert your program disk (spreadsheet like Supercalc, word-processor, database or whatever) into the first drive and your data disk into the second drive. We were running a stock control program for a couple of thousand paper reels and it took three floppies to hold the data so swapping disks all day long. It is only after accidentally formatting one of those data disks that I learnt the importance of backing-up. I've been paranoid about that ever since.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
Last edited: 01/07/2020 at 15:44 by postal
Reason: None given

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The following users said thank you: VInce, kbarber
Legacy-look Timetable CSS 01/07/2020 at 16:14 #128731
1710 posts
postal in post 128729 said:
clive in post 128687 said:
VInce in post 128656 said:

Each to their own but to me it looks like something created in MS-DOS 1.1- remember that?
I preferred CP/M 2.2.
On an ancient Sirius in 1984ish with 2 FDD (5 1/2", 1.2MB each) and no HDD. Can't remember if it had 512KB or 1024KB of RAM. Power up, insert the operating system disk (MS-DOS or CP/M) and wait while things booted up. Remove the OS disk, insert your program disk (spreadsheet like Supercalc, word-processor, database or whatever) into the first drive and your data disk into the second drive. We were running a stock control program for a couple of thousand paper reels and it took three floppies to hold the data so swapping disks all day long. It is only after accidentally formatting one of those data disks that I learnt the importance of backing-up. I've been paranoid about that ever since.
Are these the small paper reels that you would find in a water closet?

Everything that you make will be useful - providing it's made of chocolate.
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Legacy-look Timetable CSS 01/07/2020 at 16:27 #128733
5208 posts
bugsy in post 128731 said:
Are these the small paper reels that you would find in a water closet? :D
Rather larger (up to 2.4m wide and a couple of tonnes in weight) and every one with a UID.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Legacy-look Timetable CSS 01/07/2020 at 16:35 #128734
1009 posts
Meld in post 128706 said:
New loader test version = more playing with the CSS

further experimenting...

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Legacy-look Timetable CSS 01/07/2020 at 17:05 #128736
387 posts
Glad there was a bucket handy!!! :-)
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Legacy-look Timetable CSS 01/07/2020 at 17:11 #128737
1710 posts
postal in post 128733 said:
bugsy in post 128731 said:
Are these the small paper reels that you would find in a water closet? :D
Rather larger (up to 2.4m wide and a couple of tonnes in weight) and every one with a UID.
Interesting. What was done with them?

Everything that you make will be useful - providing it's made of chocolate.
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Legacy-look Timetable CSS 01/07/2020 at 17:15 #128738
5208 posts
bugsy in post 128737 said:
postal in post 128733 said:
bugsy in post 128731 said:
Are these the small paper reels that you would find in a water closet? :D
Rather larger (up to 2.4m wide and a couple of tonnes in weight) and every one with a UID.
Interesting. What was done with them?
Mainly Kraft paper (lower quality and brown not bleached) which went to the packaging industry to manufacture cardboard boxes.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Legacy-look Timetable CSS 01/07/2020 at 18:14 #128741
1108 posts
postal in post 128727 said:
ajax103 in post 128726 said:
Meld in post 128704 said:
Wait until v5.3 is released, then you can customise the simplifier, trainlist and pop up timetable individually to suit your needs
I look forward to v5.3 but are we already on v5.2 already?
Since 25/06/20. See this post.
Oh wow!

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Legacy-look Timetable CSS 01/07/2020 at 18:32 #128743
6325 posts
Peter Bennet in post 128705 said:
For those that want things to be as-was can they simply reinstate the old file?

No, because there are so many new features.

SimSig Boss
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Legacy-look Timetable CSS 01/07/2020 at 20:36 #128755
1710 posts
postal in post 128738 said:
bugsy in post 128737 said:
postal in post 128733 said:
bugsy in post 128731 said:
Are these the small paper reels that you would find in a water closet? :D
Rather larger (up to 2.4m wide and a couple of tonnes in weight) and every one with a UID.
Interesting. What was done with them?
Mainly Kraft paper (lower quality and brown not bleached) which went to the packaging industry to manufacture cardboard boxes.
Up until December 1985, I used to produce printing plates for the packaging industry. Started off in '66 hand engraving them then in the late '70s early 80's new technology was introduced and hand engraving began to tail off. Good times

Everything that you make will be useful - providing it's made of chocolate.
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Legacy-look Timetable CSS 03/07/2020 at 13:22 #128872
33 posts
Meld in post 128704 said:
Wait until v5.3 is released, then you can customise the simplifier, trainlist and pop up timetable individually to suit your needs
Is this the plan then that the popup TT will be player customisable in 5.3?

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Legacy-look Timetable CSS 03/07/2020 at 14:08 #128875
1710 posts
8stewartt in post 128872 said:
[quote=Meld;post=128704]Wait until v5.3 is released, then you can customise the simplifier, trainlist and pop up timetable individually to suit your needs
Is this something that is relatively easy to do for someone who knows nothing about coding. I've just looked at a CSS file and it looks complicated.

Everything that you make will be useful - providing it's made of chocolate.
Last edited: 03/07/2020 at 14:08 by bugsy
Reason: None given

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