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Platform conflict: Wolverhampton 2015-04-08 SX 5.1.0

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Platform conflict: Wolverhampton 2015-04-08 SX 5.1.0 19/12/2021 at 09:41 #143007
52 posts
Hello! Playing through the Wolverhampton 2015-04-08 SX timetable, v. 5.1.0, I found a platform conflict between 1O30 ( P30670 ) and 9M59 ( P51251 ). Both trains are booked into platform 2 at Wolverhampton, 9M59 arr 19:31½ dep. 19:45, 1O30 arr. 19:39 dep. 19:41. I resolved this while running the timetable by sending 1O30 onto platform 3, the platform opposite the one it was booked.


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Platform conflict: Wolverhampton 2015-04-08 SX 5.1.0 02/01/2022 at 13:32 #143240
56 posts
Platform conflicts are common as stated many places elsewhere. The software used by the TT planners IRL does not always fine them and with various trains run "as required", a platform conflict is not uncommon. In real life the signaller has to deal with them. You should ideally keep passenger trains in their assigned platform to mimic real life where a late platform change would be not just a hassle for passengers but also a potential delay while waiting for everyone to be sent to another platform.

Freight or ECS is much more preferable to change platforms for.

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Platform conflict: Wolverhampton 2015-04-08 SX 5.1.0 02/01/2022 at 14:32 #143243
5324 posts
lukebriner in post 143240 said:
Platform conflicts are common as stated many places elsewhere. The software used by the TT planners IRL does not always fine them and with various trains run "as required", a platform conflict is not uncommon. In real life the signaller has to deal with them. You should ideally keep passenger trains in their assigned platform to mimic real life where a late platform change would be not just a hassle for passengers but also a potential delay while waiting for everyone to be sent to another platform.

Freight or ECS is much more preferable to change platforms for.
Mails and Parcels were a bigger headache than passenger workings as there would often be a cavalcade of barrows lined up to put traffic onto the train or collect traffic from it. If there was a short-notice platform change it would be a major problem to shift all those barrows particularly if anything like barrow lifts had to be used to get them to the subway or bridge then back to platform level.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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