Basginstoke No. 6 Sdg for timetable

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Basginstoke No. 6 Sdg for timetable 02/07/2024 at 21:51 #157735
24 posts

I am in the process of creating a (fictional) timetable for Basingstoke.
I want to seed a train in the No. 6 Sdg, have it move into the Down Reception Siding then reverse back to Platform 4.

I can seed a train at BE5108 (No. 6 Sdg), however I can't see any mention of it on the location list: (Location List under timetable editor)
- BE5108, No. 6 Sdg,
- a platform for either
-- the Down Reception Siding, or
-- Basingstoke itself -

am I missing something?

Thanks in advance,

- Jake
Last edited: 02/07/2024 at 22:02 by DaChezePufz
Reason: None given

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Basginstoke No. 6 Sdg for timetable 02/07/2024 at 22:09 #157736
6391 posts
Probably should have a location.

Mantis 41083

SimSig Boss
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