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Printable Service Timetable

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Printable Service Timetable Today at 12:52 #158702
22 posts

Not entirely new to Simsig but far from being a pro, I want to suggest a feature that does not exist in Simsig as of today as far as I am aware.

I certainly do know about the so-called "Timetable" that can be called in with the F4 key and I am familiar with it. To me, it's mostly an editor, not a read-only timetable. Sure, you can filter and search for services but this timetable is multifunctional: more of an editor than a simple timetable.

Can you please implement a simple, straightforward service timetable that can be toggled on and off; one that lists all trains applicable for the given simulation scenario from 00:00 to 24:00 in their order of entry and without anything that can be edited on it? A simple static timetable that can be saved as a PDF, printed out, resized, and moved onto a second screen. Something that can be referred to without all the clutter, buttons and functions of the current timetable (editor).

A list of all trains that will enter the area, with their time and point of entry, via (route) and time/point of exit, so that the dispatcher can plan their day, but without having to keep an actual editor (F4) open on the screen which is a distraction with all the menus and buttons. I'd say, the F4 timetable is more for the creator than for the user. Of course, should the user, during a session, make any changes through the F4 editor, the simple timetable should also update accordingly. For example, if the user deletes a service, it should reflect those changes.

Train Entry Time Entry Point Via Exit Time Exit Point
1X23 05:24 Village A City A 06:03 Village B
4Y56 05:26 Village B City B 05:53 City C
7Z89 06:00 Village A City A 06:51 Village D

Something like that. Just the basics. No clutter, just info. Sure, the current F4 timetable knows all of this but the amount of clutter, buttons, menus are distracting. For example, if I open the F4 timetable and then want to find out what a given train will do, I need to click on that train and then "Edit". That is exactly what I want to avoid. So Simsig already has everything I am after, it's just the way and environment of how the info is presented that I would love to see enhanced, by adding a simple, view-only service timetable.

I hope that something like this service overview/timetable can be implemented.

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