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Bristol TVSC

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Bristol TVSC 03/10/2024 at 20:44 #158730
1287 posts
Whilst I look forward to Bristol being re-released as a Loader sim (no pressure on this: I know it will be ready when it is ready) I guess it will probably be re-released under the old layout. It is interesting to note, however, that those responsible for the stellwerksim.de simulator seem to have got their hands on the Bristol TM layout as it currently is: I wonder how they got the data?


Not as good as Simsig and rather a congested layout though: I will try and test it as I see the potential for one or two flaws in the SWS format.

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Bristol TVSC 04/10/2024 at 12:41 #158732
649 posts
Oooof you're not wrong about it being congested. Yowza!
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Bristol TVSC 04/10/2024 at 17:11 #158733
636 posts
My eyes ...
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Bristol TVSC 04/10/2024 at 17:28 #158734
3700 posts
define what "the data" is here. general signalling layout and speed limits are easily obtainable but is the interlocking and timetabling all accurate?
"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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Bristol TVSC 04/10/2024 at 18:20 #158735
Sam Tugwell
494 posts
the Bristol TM layout as it currently is
Its not quite the current layout. The East Jn got remodelled significantly.

"Signalman Exeter"
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Bristol TVSC 05/10/2024 at 14:52 #158748
907 posts
jc92 in post 158734 said:
but is the interlocking […] all accurate?

Ay up. Stellwerksim's main focus seems to be a large coverage area and the multiplayer system, but even German signalling is only depicted in a simplified fashion, e.g. no overlaps, and never mind any British signalling particularities.

Two million people attempt to use Birmingham's magnificent rail network every year, with just over a million of them managing to get further than Smethwick.
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