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Snapshots not saving

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Snapshots not saving Today at 20:55 #160602
398 posts
Bit of a weird one.
Since the latest loader updates I have noticed that the Central Scotland sim I am playing has not been saving snapshots every ten minutes as before. As the saves were created before the update I wondered if this was the cause. However, to prove the theory, I started a fresh instance of Central Scotland and found that snapshots were not being saved by that either.
To check if it was a universal problem, I then tried a different sim (Doncaster Station) and found that this saved the snapshots successfully.

Manual saves are saved ok.

Not sure if it is relevant, but in the loader the sim is entitled Central Scotland, however the sim folder in File Explorer is Cscot.

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Snapshots not saving Today at 21:00 #160603
182 posts
Dick in post 160602 said:
Bit of a weird one.
Since the latest loader updates I have noticed that the Central Scotland sim I am playing has not been saving snapshots every ten minutes as before. As the saves were created before the update I wondered if this was the cause. However, to prove the theory, I started a fresh instance of Central Scotland and found that snapshots were not being saved by that either.
To check if it was a universal problem, I then tried a different sim (Doncaster Station) and found that this saved the snapshots successfully.

Manual saves are saved ok.

Not sure if it is relevant, but in the loader the sim is entitled Central Scotland, however the sim folder in File Explorer is Cscot.

I have just tested a fresh install of the loader and then opened a new Central Scotland game with default settings and no timetable. Please can you attempt the same and see how you get on?


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Snapshots not saving Today at 21:02 #160604
398 posts
Sorry, should have added, message window shows snapshot saved as in your screenshot but no file saved.
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Snapshots not saving Today at 21:04 #160605
182 posts
Dick in post 160604 said:
Sorry, should have added, message window shows snapshot saved as in your screenshot but no file saved.
I have also double checked and on a fresh install I can't replicate this behaviour (with default settings). If you do a fresh install of Simsig and then check for updates and attempt the steps above please.


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Last edited: Today at 21:04 by eps125
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Snapshots not saving Today at 21:15 #160606
398 posts
No, still the same

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Snapshots not saving Today at 21:27 #160607
398 posts
Very weird.

I renamed the cscot folder and started a new instance of the sim to get it to create a new cscot folder and lo and behold the snapshot saved!!

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Snapshots not saving Today at 21:30 #160608
4027 posts
I think in your folder screenshot the 'Date' is the date created, not the date modified. So if you've run a game before, it will overwrite the old file but still show the original 'created' date. Try reloading a snapshot of a time that "should" have saved and see if it's your test run or an older game. Alternatively, you can use the folder options to sort by date modified.
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Last edited: Today at 21:31 by Steamer
Reason: None given

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Snapshots not saving Today at 21:31 #160609
398 posts
Even weirder, the missing snapshots have now turned up the renamed folder!!
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Snapshots not saving Today at 21:34 #160610
398 posts
Steamer in post 160608 said:
I think in your folder screenshot the 'Date' is the date created, not the date modified. So if you've run a game before, it will overwrite the old file but still show the original 'created' date. Try reloading a snapshot of a time that "should" have saved and see if it's your test run or an older game. Alternatively, you can use the folder options to sort by date modified.

No, its not that.
Snapshots were working ok up until the 15th when they stopped working.

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