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Event Details

Edinburgh Meet, 4th July 2020 *** CANCELLED ***

It is with great reluctance that we have had to cancel this meet due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation.

The venue is:

The Beehive Inn,
18-20 Grassmarket,
EH1 2JU.

Please remember to come back here and cancel your registration if you sign up then find you are unable to attend.

The details of the meet are shown here. The details are published as the best information available at the time of posting and have been confirmed by the venue. Any changes after this time will only be as the result of unforeseen circumstances which are beyond our control..

Please note that the event time is that of the event's timezone, not necessarily your timezone

Event start date
04/07/2020 12:00:00
Event end date
04/07/2020 18:00:00
Registration start date
29/03/2020 00:00:00
Registration ends
10/05/2020 00:00:00
Maximum attendees
Maximum waitlist
Number of attendees
It is too late to book this event

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