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File Details - York Summer 1991 timetable V9.0e

York Summer 1991 timetable V9.0e

This timetable is based on the summer of 1991 & I've used the York arrival & departure book for the station workings & the Passenger, Parcels & Freight WTTs & a March 1991 MGR coal plan for the Aire Valley power stations.
Gascoigne Wood

MGR trains can only be loaded/unloaded on bunker lines 1, 4 and 7. Trains are booked to run round at Gascoigne Wood West End before propelling into the bunker. In general, trains for bunker 1 run round on line 2; bunker 4 trains run round on line 3; and bunker 7 trains run round on line 7.

Trains should be routed as per the timetable, but run rounds can be done via any unoccupied line, altthough the timetable may need to be editied to make sure that the loco reverses in the correct place.

Trains for the Down Bunker Sidings are booked to run via the Down Goods Loop - drivers will complain if they are routed Main line at Gascoigne Wood Jn!

DCEA - Civil Engineer Eastern Main Line locos
FABI - Trainload Construction - Immingham locos
FDAT - Railfreight Distribution (RfD) - Tinsley Cl.47 locos
FDET - Railfreight Distribution (RfD0 - Tinsley Cl.37 locos
FEAN - Power Station Coal Cl.58 Nottinghamshire locos
FEBN - Power Station Coal Cl.58 Yorkshire loco
FECN - Power Station Coal - Cl.56 Nottinghamshire locos
FEDN - Power Station Coal Cl.56 Yorkshire
FEEN - Power Station Coal Cl.56 North East locos
FEPE - Power Station Coal Eastfield Cl.26 & Cl.37 locos
FMHK - Trainload Metals Cardiff Canton Cl.37/7 & Cl.37/9 locos
FMMY - Trainload Metals - Thornaby Cl.60 locos
FMRY/FMSY - Trainload Metals Thornaby Cl.20 locos
FMTY - Trainload Metals - Thornaby Cl.20 & Cl.37 locos
FPBC - Trainload Petroleum - Crewe Diesel locos
FPCI - Trainload Petroleum - Immingham locos
ICCP - Inter City Cross Country Services Cl.43 locos (LA or PM)
ICCS - Inter City Cross Country Services Cl.43 locos (EC)
IECA - Inter City ECML Electric Locos
IECP - Inter City ECML Cl.43 locos
ILRA - Inter City Bristol Cl.47/4 extended range
PHTX- Provincial Heaton T&RSMD units
PNHX - Provincial Newton Heath TMD units
PNLX - Provincial Neville Hill T&RSMD units
RXLB - Rail Express Systems Cl.31/4 locos
RXLC - Rail Express Systems Cl.47/4 locos

BN - Bounds Green T&RSMD (London)
BR - Bristol Bath Road TMD
CD - Crewe Diesel TMD
CF - Cardiff Canton T&RSMD
EC - Craigentinny T&RSMD (Edinburgh)
ED - Eastfield TMD (Glasgow)
LA - Laira T&RSMD (Plymouth)
IM - Immingham TMD (South Humberside)
NL - Neville Hill T&RSMD (Leeds)
PM - St. Philip's Marsh T&RSMD (Bristol)
TE - Thornaby TMD
TI - Tinsley TMD (Sheffield)
TO - Toton TMD (Notts)

15H - Haverton Hill
15S - Stockton FLT
15W - Wilton FLT
152 - Tees
49F - Felixstowe South FLT
49G - Felixstowe North FLT
51F - Tilbury RCT
52R - Stratford FLT
86X - Southampton MCT

User-contributed > Timetables > York North/South
30/07/2017 at 22:49
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York North and South July 1991 - September 1991 Timetable V9.0e GW.WTT

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