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You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > Hunts Cross > File Details - Hunts Cross 1989 - V1.1

File Details - Hunts Cross 1989 - V1.1

Hunts Cross 1989 - V1.1

Timetable based on WTTs CE & CF for summer 1989, the first full timetable year after Manchester Piccadilly PSB opened (Oct 1988).

The 1989 timetable for the whole South Manchester area was built around a massive transfer of trains from Victoria to Piccadilly. It also incorporated extra trains on several lines, including the Warrington Central route, a in a bid to win back passengers after major disruption over the previous three years. The most major changes are two express trains per hour each way over the whole line and two locals per hour each way between Warrington and Hunts Cross.

Much use is made of the carriage sidings at Warrington to turn back trains in both directions. There are rush-hour services between Manchester and Irlam which reverse at Glazebrook East Jn, the evening pair using the passing loop at Glazebrook before finding a path back to Manchester. There is even freight to/from Glazebrook. Please note that Glazebrook East's crossover (17 points) cannot be reversed if a train has been accepted from Warrington Central. Also that in manual mode trains reversing through 17 points cause the up block to go to "Train On Line" which needs to be cancelled before an up train can be accepted.

The various turn-backs will also keep you busy with headcodes. Those are duplicated at times: you WILL need the train list screen to keep track of what is happening. Despite its simple appearance, the 1989 timetable makes the line a real bear to operate, especially with manual signalling rather than NX style.

Two trains seed at Warrington Central's sidings:
2D45 seeds in No.2 siding; 2F94 in No.1 siding

Fudges/ Work-arounds:
1) 2D43-0608 has no inbound working in the WTT. An ECS has been created for it using 1990 data.
2) 5F61-0625 has no Allerton (L/pool S Pkwy) time in WTT. One has been created.
3) 2F86-1827 has no return working in WTT. An ECS has been created.
4) 6M18TO/ 6E67TO (run as required) are not timetabled as the necessary programming for 6M18 to access Glazborrok MSC sidings is missing from the simulation.
5) Irlam turnback trains work to/from Glazebrook station, rather than 16 signal reverse as the necessary programming is missing from the simulation.
6) DC EMUS call at Liverpool South rather than the correct location of Garston (200 metres distant!). Using Garston causes a stream of error messages n SimSig.
7) A working operated MThO each way between Allerton depot and Kirkdale via Hunts Cross p2. This is omitted as SimSig appears unable to handle both the 08+507 drop combination and shunt manoeuvres at Hunts Cross.

All the above will be remedied if fixes become available

User-contributed > Timetables > Hunts Cross
26/10/2018 at 01:26
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File Name
Hunts Cross 1989 V1.1.wtt

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