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You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > Wigan Wallgate > File Details - Wigan Wallgate 1990

File Details - Wigan Wallgate 1990

Wigan Wallgate 1990

Operating hours 05.43-24.20: 185-190 trains, depending on day of week

A timetable for summer 1990, carefully chosen for the maximum number of trains using Wallgate and its various shunting facilities. You will need to have your wits about you at various times, especially in the evening peak. Trains from Kirkby can now access the bay platform directly, but that introduces new potential conflicts and shunting challenges when trains are running slightly out of course.

You will need to carefully prioritise movements at Wallgate, checking on the next moves and making maximum use of the layout's capabilities. Beware occasions when two trains are scheduled to share the through platforms at Wallgate, mostly in the early evening. Sometimes you can use the permissive facility to your advantage, especially with ECS workings, so don't clear signals too quickly.

There is freight traffic too. The Westhoughton trip freight still runs, Mondays excepted, reversing at Wallgate using both Down & Up carriage sidings. In addiition there are the modern "binliner" trains, conveying Greater Manchester's domestic waste for disposal in a former quarry at Appley Bridge. Two or three such trains will operate daily, depending on the day of the week.

Do read the simulation's manual and make sure you know where the reversing locations are, plus the full guidance in the General tab of the timetable. It's also helpful to set up a warning noise for Down trains approaching Parbold level crossing as described in the simulation manual.

User-contributed > Timetables > Wigan Wallgate
12/01/2021 at 01:48
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Wigan Wallgate 1990.WTT

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