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You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > Wigan Wallgate > File Details - Wigan Wallgate 1977 - Saturdays

File Details - Wigan Wallgate 1977 - Saturdays

Wigan Wallgate 1977 - Saturdays

Operating hours 05.29-23.45: 117 trains in timetable

A timetable for a summer Saturday in 1977. A nice steady service without the intense commuter peaks, but additional services during the middle of the day and evening. There is an even a freight train. It’s an excellent “technical” timetable, with lots of judgement having to be exercised by the operator, based on the nuances of the track and signalling arrangements.

The timetable is harder than it looks. There are plenty of shunt moves without timings, so movement is at your discretion, plus some movements that clash beautifully according to the Working Timetables. You will need to use your knowledge of the Wigan area and be aware of trains’ next moves. Do read the simulation’s manual and make sure you know where the reversing locations are.

Please also read the notes in the General tab of the timetable, to avoid tying yourself up in knots.

User-contributed > Timetables > Wigan Wallgate
22/01/2021 at 02:49
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13.8 KiB
File Name
Wigan Wallgate 1977 - Saturdays.WTT

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