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You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > North East Wales > File Details - Essential Travel Timetable - March 18, 2021

File Details - Essential Travel Timetable - March 18, 2021

Essential Travel Timetable - March 18, 2021

A good timetable for a beginner to Simsig! Great timetable to learn Absolute Block and Ground Frames/Lever Frames.

It is recommended to play this timetable at 3.0x to 4.0x speed, as normal speed becomes boring quickly! (Press F3 to adjust speed) Play at a higher speed for a more advanced challenge. This timetable is fairly light compared to most on Simsig, so a faster pace should not intimidate!

This timetable represents weekday services between Wrexham and Bidston on the Borderlands Line and services between Shrewsbury and Saltney Junction, following Transport for Wales' amendments from March 15, 2021, which introduced an Essential Travel Timetable.

There are several freight trains on this timetable and even a steam train (5P45) that runs in the morning.
Trains to Chirk Kronospan MUST be reversed manually within the Train List, ideally while the train is stopped at Chirk.
Trains to Penyfford Cement Works may need to be reversed manually within the Train List, ideally while the train is stopped at the Penyfford Cement Works Ground Frame.

Station closures - to help with social distancing until further notice
In order to maintain a safe distance between the conductor and customers, we need to be able to operate two train doors. Unfortunately due to the short platform length at these stations, this is not possible:
--Wrexham Central (very limited services stop here)

Services between Wrexham General - Bidston have been reduced to every two hours from March 15, 2021 onwards.

User-contributed > Timetables > North East Wales
23/03/2021 at 02:00
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11.2 KiB
File Name
Essential Travel Timetable - 18-Mar-2021.wtt

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