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File Details - Derby - Covid Sundays

Derby - Covid Sundays

Updated file to correct a few discrepancies.

This timetable is based on a typical Sunday schedule during the Covid 19 reduced timetable in May 2020. Very little freight and mainly standard pattern passenger trains operated by Cross Country and East Midlands Railway.
Important to note that the station platform layout has changed, so i've had to employ some artistic license to some platform allocations whilst trying to keep things as realistic as possible.

Service Pattern
Cross Country -
1 TPH Nottingham - Birmingham New Street - Cardiff Central
1 TPH Cardiff Central - Birmingham New Street - Nottingham
1 TPH Plymouth/Bristol TM - Sheffield
1 TPH Sheffield - Plymouth/Bristol TM

East Midlands Railway-
1 TPH Sheffield - St Pancras
1 TPH St Pancras - Sheffield
1 Train every 2 hours Crewe - Derby
1 Train every 2 hours Derby - Crewe
1 Train every 2 hours Nottingham - Matlock
1 Train every 2 hours Matlock - Nottingham.
As well as the usual ECS moves in and out of Etches Park CS throughout the day to Derby, Sheffield, Nottingham etc.

There is a small amount of freight, and there are some ECS moves for Avanti/Cross Country from Barton Central Rivers.

User-contributed > Timetables > Derby
27/08/2021 at 08:51
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File Size
17.8 KiB
File Name
Derby May 2020 - Covid Sunday.wtt

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