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Shrewsbury 28th January 2022 SX.
Timetable for Shrewsbury, based on Friday 28th January 2022.
Timetable Notes:
- Tested chained with North East Wales.
- 1V97 has a set swap at Shrewsbury, where the 175 comes off and goes into Abbey Foregate C.S and is replaced by a 158.
- 1W95 is joined by a 2 car 175 at Shrewsbury, as the 2 car 175 is required at Chester.
Data for this timetable, from RealTimeTrains (RTT) and Charlwoodhouse.
Thanks, as always, thanks to everyone at SimSig for making SimSig.
Thanks to headshot119 for developing the simulation.
I hope you enjoy!
v1.0 (29/01/2022)
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