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File Details - Leamington Spa 5 day Nov 2020

Leamington Spa 5 day Nov 2020

This is a 5-day timetable of trains that actually ran from 00:00 2nd November to 03:00 on 7th November 2020.
Timetable and train info from Official CIF files, WTT's & TRUST.
Please note that there are many daily variations, and platform info is as per what was used on each day simulated.

Chains with :Coventry 5 day Nov 2020

Timetabled Trains : 414
Rules : 87
Decisions : 1
Train Types : 84

Passenger Trains:
Cross Country - Manchester to Reading and Bournemouth.
Hourly with Class 220/221 Voyagers

London Midland:
Leamington Spa - Rugeley TV.
Hourly with Class 172 DMUs

Note :
Kenilworth - all trains on the Nuneaton to Leamington Spa service (2Gxx) also called at Kenilworth (opened 30/04/18, located roughly between sig 2 and LN54).
The staion is not on the adjoining Coventry sim as it opened after the sim was created.
It is now also possible to run from Plat 3/4 onto the line to Coventry, which wasn't possible when the sim was created.
To make this timetable workable, an extra set has been created which then has to run ECS across to Platform 4 after arrival at Leamington Spa (normally at Plat 1).
It can be very tight to get the set across inbetween train movements, so you will have to be on your toes !

Chiltern Trains :
Marlebone to Birmingham Snow Hill and Moor Street.
Class 165 and 168 DMUs along with Push pull loco hauled sets.
Leamington Spa - Birmingham Moor Street/Stratford Upon Avon/Stourbridge
Class 165 DMUs

Note: 2U90 consist is unconfirmed FO..
The set is normally off 1R58 (divides Snow Hill 5H85/2U90) but 1R58 was a single set on this day.

Freight :
All freight trains times are from the official cif files, consists are checked with trains that have ran during the period of the timetable (2-7 November 2020), and the decisions of DOTW (Day of the week) is based on this imformation.

3S03 has been amended to run to SIG113 and reverse, as on the sim its not possible to run from the Up Main to Kenilworth.
3F01 is only timed 2 mins at Fenny Compton (runs round) so will be delayed there.
6Z50 exit point should be down goods loop but its not in the timetable drop down list.

Rules have been applied to stop sets returning earlier than is possible when the oubound train is late or in times of disruption.
Rules as well as dwell and turnaround times are as per Network Rail's Rules Of The Route document.

Thanks :
Thanks go to Geoff Mayo for creating SimSig in the first place, and to Karl Latham for developing the Leamington Spa Sim.
Thanks to Andy Allen and Chris Law for doing some testing, another pair of eyes always helps !
Also to Greg (Wellgroomed) for the idea of the extra set at Leamigton Spa to make the timetable work.

Enjoy and please advise me of any errors found that are not listed above via the forum as the timetable has many scenarios, so some errors may appear despite thorough testing.

I hope you enjoy this interesting timetable as much as I have compiling it.

Timetable written by Phil Hodgson (Phil1044)

Timetable Versions:
Version 1.3.0 22/11/21 Initial release after testing.
Version 1.4.0 23/07/23 mods for compatibility with other sims of the same date

User-contributed > Timetables > Leamington Spa
01/08/2023 at 07:50
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File Name
Leamington Spa 5 day Nov 2020.WTT

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