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File Details - Saltley Nov 2022

Saltley Nov 2022

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The TT data is based on 1st November 2022. Stock data from "a small enthusiast website" has been added where known. Freight allocations found with the help of user reports at and the WTT's (CY05, CY09, CY11, CY13 and PF08).

This sim is chainable with Derby.

Operational Notes
There are a lot of crew changes at Landor St Jn. You will need to regulate early-running freight to avoid causing an obstruction, especially to Bordesley Jn.
Call-ons at Birmingham Moor Street and Stratford-upon-Avon need to be done manually as PSAD.
Class 196 (5Txx) services running to/from SAV will run behind schedule due to lack of block signalling on the North Warwickshire Line.
Tyseley North Jn isn't shown on the sim, trains crossing from Dorridge towards BMO and vice-versa will need to use South Jn. This affects the platform numbers and some timings - the sim reflects real world data in that respect.

Comaptibility Modifications
Trains that would normally terminate at Whitlocks End have been tweaked to reverse at Shirley.
Trains using the bays or sidings at Birmingham Moor Street have been run via special ECS to move aside.
In the modern era, P2 and P3 at SAV are available directly, but shunt moves / platform sharing have had to be added where required.
Electrification at Bromsgrove in 2019 isn't shown in sim so class 323's are tweaked appropriately.
Trains that would terminate at Bromsgrove are sent off and back on sim to avoid the line being blocked.

Version History
v0.5 20230828 - First release
v0.6 20230902 - Added missing dwell times
v0.7 20240703 - Minor corrections

User-contributed > Timetables > Saltley
03/07/2024 at 19:55
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File Size
192.2 KiB
File Name
Saltley Nov 2022.WTT

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