You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > Warrington PSB > File Details - Warrington December 2024
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The TT data is based on 20th December 2024. Stock data from "a small enthusiast website" has been added where known. Freight allocations found with the help of user reports at and the WTT's (CZ02).
This timetable chains to Edge Hill and Huyton. Later versions of this timetable are intended to chain to Crewe and Chester.
Operational Notes
- The track-cicuited loop at Springs Branch is 25m, all trains entering and exiting Wigan LIP will need the route called to the grey triangle towards the shunting neck.
- Due to incorrect electrificiation in the sim, some EMU's are redirected to Wigan LIP vice Springs Branch Sidings.
- As Alstom Widnes TC (to the right of Ditton Reception lines) is not available, some slight tweaks have been made.
- A couple of class 3 'Q' paths exist which may cause conflicts at WBQ/WNW. You will need to regulate accordingly.
Version History
v0.4 20250202 - First Release
v0.5 20250209 - Minor corrections, including to some Class 4/6 consists (Thanks to Tony et al)
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