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Carlisle 1979-1980 Timetable

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Carlisle 1979-1980 Timetable 23/08/2018 at 22:42 #111429
5208 posts
Worked out where you are now but not how you got there. The train on the Up Goods with 6M60 in the TD berth is actually 9T30. This needs to go to Dentonholme.

6M60 is still sitting in Carlisle Yard at K1. This is now locked at R (one that Tom will need to investigate). You can talk 6M60 past K1, then clear the entry signal for UD1. 6M60 will then enter without TD which you will need to interpose yourself. You can't interpose in the entry berth so it will have to go in the next berth at the end of UD1.

With any luck that will clear K1 and things will start to run normally but it may be that everything for the rest of the sim will need to be talked past K1. Did you talk 9T30 past K1 while a loco was going into UD1/2 from the F&I? This could well be the problem as trains can't enter from K1 while something is travelling in the opposite direction. You have to wait a short while for the loco to get clear then K1 will clear by itself.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
Last edited: 23/08/2018 at 22:43 by postal
Reason: None given

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Carlisle 1979-1980 Timetable 23/08/2018 at 23:15 #111431
3945 posts
Minor one- I'm finding that some locos (0T36/TRIP36RR and 0S19/0S19E are two) aren't departing until the booked time, despite having 'set down only' ticked. Is this intentional?
"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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Carlisle 1979-1980 Timetable 23/08/2018 at 23:30 #111432
5208 posts
Steamer in post 111431 said:
Minor one- I'm finding that some locos (0T36/TRIP36RR and 0S19/0S19E are two) aren't departing until the booked time, despite having 'set down only' ticked. Is this intentional?
No, but the core code sometimes holds things until due time even when the "set down only" is ticked in the same way as it sometimes makes Cl 4/6/7/8 wait for time.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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The following user said thank you: Steamer
Carlisle 1979-1980 Timetable 24/08/2018 at 00:33 #111433
272 posts
Finally managed to eke out a couple of hours on my rather unwell laptop... 83% at 0200 Weds...

The removal of many (not all!) conflicts of course makes for more satisfying “play” - but this is a double edged sword - because it reveals your own shortcomings with a ruthless lack of mercy. I made a single error of ordering one loco ahead of another - both trains they were to power took a real shoeing.

As ever the outstanding attention to detail is what lifts this timetable into the stratosphere. Who, with all the info Pascal has packed in, can’t imagine the Gronks pootling around the station as freightliners and sleepers come and go, all whilst a diesel or two negotiating the goods lines provide a mellow drone in the background.

I can’t wait to continue... but this timetable is already a masterpiece.

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The following users said thank you: postal, BarryM, 58050, GW43125
Carlisle 1979-1980 Timetable 24/08/2018 at 01:10 #111434
579 posts
postal in post 111432 said:
Steamer in post 111431 said:
Minor one- I'm finding that some locos (0T36/TRIP36RR and 0S19/0S19E are two) aren't departing until the booked time, despite having 'set down only' ticked. Is this intentional?
No, but the core code sometimes holds things until due time even when the "set down only" is ticked in the same way as it sometimes makes Cl 4/6/7/8 wait for time.
Could I ask a basic question here...

Why does it do that? I'm not sure that this is really reality. When running early, a traincrew would call, say they were ready, you would run the train in and it would be relieved and go, no matter how early it was.

Can someone explain the rationale here, because its not clear to me why the core code does this?


I walk around inside the questions of my day, I navigate the inner reaches of my disarray, I pass the altars where fools and thieves hold sway, I wait for night to come and lift this dread away : Jackson Browne - The Night Inside Me
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Carlisle 1979-1980 Timetable 24/08/2018 at 01:34 #111436
5208 posts
VInce in post 111434 said:
Could I ask a basic question here...

Why does it do that? I'm not sure that this is really reality. When running early, a traincrew would call, say they were ready, you would run the train in and it would be relieved and go, no matter how early it was.

Can someone explain the rationale here, because its not clear to me why the core code does this?

Toilet break, brakes won't blow off, driver is looking to make a bit of overtime so dragging the job out . . . . .

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Carlisle 1979-1980 Timetable 24/08/2018 at 09:53 #111440
254 posts
postal in post 111429 said:
Worked out where you are now but not how you got there. The train on the Up Goods with 6M60 in the TD berth is actually 9T30. This needs to go to Dentonholme.

6M60 is still sitting in Carlisle Yard at K1. This is now locked at R (one that Tom will need to investigate). You can talk 6M60 past K1, then clear the entry signal for UD1. 6M60 will then enter without TD which you will need to interpose yourself. You can't interpose in the entry berth so it will have to go in the next berth at the end of UD1.

With any luck that will clear K1 and things will start to run normally but it may be that everything for the rest of the sim will need to be talked past K1. Did you talk 9T30 past K1 while a loco was going into UD1/2 from the F&I? This could well be the problem as trains can't enter from K1 while something is travelling in the opposite direction. You have to wait a short while for the loco to get clear then K1 will clear by itself.

Thanks for that. Suspect I will just revert back a few saved games . re the F&I thing - probably - I tend to check the UD1 and UD2 designator when they ring in and then clear them to the reverser and when its dropped out I set the path accordingly, unless thats wrong ? ( if it is then I've been losing a lot of points - with this release I've not been phoning Kingmoor as it seems to sort it out itseld ) .

I have no idea how the TDs got mixed up - it would have come out with the right TD and I wouldn't have changed it. Did suspect it was something like that though. As I said will drop back a few saves and go again it will give me a chance to try and fight a particular time battle over again for upperby through

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Carlisle 1979-1980 Timetable 24/08/2018 at 10:50 #111442
68 posts
slatteryc in post 111440 said:
postal in post 111429 said:
Worked out where you are now but not how you got there. The train on the Up Goods with 6M60 in the TD berth is actually 9T30. This needs to go to Dentonholme.

6M60 is still sitting in Carlisle Yard at K1. This is now locked at R (one that Tom will need to investigate). You can talk 6M60 past K1, then clear the entry signal for UD1. 6M60 will then enter without TD which you will need to interpose yourself. You can't interpose in the entry berth so it will have to go in the next berth at the end of UD1.

With any luck that will clear K1 and things will start to run normally but it may be that everything for the rest of the sim will need to be talked past K1. Did you talk 9T30 past K1 while a loco was going into UD1/2 from the F&I? This could well be the problem as trains can't enter from K1 while something is travelling in the opposite direction. You have to wait a short while for the loco to get clear then K1 will clear by itself.

Thanks for that. Suspect I will just revert back a few saved games . re the F&I thing - probably - I tend to check the UD1 and UD2 designator when they ring in and then clear them to the reverser and when its dropped out I set the path accordingly, unless thats wrong ? ( if it is then I've been losing a lot of points - with this release I've not been phoning Kingmoor as it seems to sort it out itseld ) .

I have no idea how the TDs got mixed up - it would have come out with the right TD and I wouldn't have changed it. Did suspect it was something like that though. As I said will drop back a few saves and go again it will give me a chance to try and fight a particular time battle over again for upperby through
I noticed that if two trains enter in quick succession, the second will overwrite the TD in approach berth, causing the first train to have incorrect TD when it enters.

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Carlisle 1979-1980 Timetable 24/08/2018 at 11:44 #111444
norman B
111 posts
I have had the same problems with 9T30 and K1 however I did figure out what was happening ran the sim on for another 20 mins and the K1 problems got worse together with problems with 5M70 not wanting to reverse from the neck into Plt 6.

As these problems arose after the last update I have since restarted the Monday only TT and will see what happens when I reach 0800hrs again.

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Carlisle 1979-1980 Timetable 24/08/2018 at 12:38 #111446
579 posts
postal in post 111436 said:
VInce in post 111434 said:
Could I ask a basic question here...

Why does it do that? I'm not sure that this is really reality. When running early, a traincrew would call, say they were ready, you would run the train in and it would be relieved and go, no matter how early it was.

Can someone explain the rationale here, because its not clear to me why the core code does this?

Toilet break, brakes won't blow off, driver is looking to make a bit of overtime so dragging the job out . . . . .
Yes, perhaps, but all they have do is not call up ready until the booked time -and they did that too!

Still would appreciate to know why the core code would let you block a platform with a train that was early, the traincrew ready to go and then not depart until right time.


I walk around inside the questions of my day, I navigate the inner reaches of my disarray, I pass the altars where fools and thieves hold sway, I wait for night to come and lift this dread away : Jackson Browne - The Night Inside Me
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Carlisle 1979-1980 Timetable 24/08/2018 at 13:19 #111447
5208 posts
VInce in post 111446 said:
Still would appreciate to know why the core code would let you block a platform with a train that was early, the traincrew ready to go and then not depart until right time.

And where did the assumption that the traincrew are ready to go come from? That's the whole point of the thing in that there will be some instances when for whatever reason the train does not depart until due time. The core code is allowing for that rather than everything running with everybody busting a gut to get things done as soon as possible. We all know that the railway sometimes has deviations from that ethos.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
Last edited: 24/08/2018 at 13:24 by postal
Reason: None given

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Carlisle 1979-1980 Timetable 24/08/2018 at 13:25 #111448
254 posts
Its 1979 it was a different time back then lol
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Carlisle 1979-1980 Timetable 24/08/2018 at 13:33 #111449
5208 posts
slatteryc in post 111440 said:
Suspect I will just revert back a few saved games . re the F&I thing - probably - I tend to check the UD1 and UD2 designator when they ring in and then clear them to the reverser and when its dropped out I set the path accordingly, unless thats wrong ? ( if it is then I've been losing a lot of points - with this release I've not been phoning Kingmoor as it seems to sort it out itseld ) .

I have no idea how the TDs got mixed up - it would have come out with the right TD and I wouldn't have changed it. Did suspect it was something like that though. As I said will drop back a few saves and go again it will give me a chance to try and fight a particular time battle over again for upperby through
You don't need worry about signalling things from the F&I headshunt to UD1/2. If something is already signalled out from the hidden signals in the yard you won't be able to set the route from the headshunt into UD1/2 - "route locked in opposite direction" I think. There are a few instances in the TT where that actually happens if everything is running to time and you just have to have patience. It is even worse if you get a string of trains all coming out from the UD line you are trying to access. That can have the effect of making a departure late from the Up Departure lines as there are rules so that a train can't depart until there has been time for the loco to arrive, hook on, brake test etc. Talking someone past K1 could have confused the whole process.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Carlisle 1979-1980 Timetable 24/08/2018 at 14:14 #111450
1719 posts
slatteryc in post 111448 said:
Its 1979 it was a different time back then lol
True. For the most part, everyone was trying to get home as soon as. But there were some depots (no names, but one was just east of Peterborough) where they were always trying to spin things out for a bit of overtime. Long standing tradition... just read Gerry Fiennes on the subject.

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Carlisle 1979-1980 Timetable 24/08/2018 at 15:17 #111453
2652 posts
kbarber in post 111450 said:
slatteryc in post 111448 said:
Its 1979 it was a different time back then lol
True. For the most part, everyone was trying to get home as soon as. But there were some depots (no names, but one was just east of Peterborough) where they were always trying to spin things out for a bit of overtime. Long standing tradition... just read Gerry Fiennes on the subject.
You wouldn't be referring to March depot by any chance Keith? Yes as you say alot of depots were like that. Toton & Bescot come to y mind from my own railway experiences.

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Carlisle 1979-1980 Timetable 24/08/2018 at 15:56 #111455
3635 posts
Back to the point about early departure. I agree departure from a station, siding, terminal etc should operate on a sometimes early, sometimes on time basis, it would be handy to have an "always depart on time" option for reverses for instance.

I find it really irritating when a loco departs a platform early only to wait time sat on a mainline blocking the job. If its going to do that it should be a genuine unforseen delay where the driver calls in.

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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Carlisle 1979-1980 Timetable 24/08/2018 at 16:05 #111456
2652 posts
kbarber in post 111450 said:
slatteryc in post 111448 said:
Its 1979 it was a different time back then lol
True. For the most part, everyone was trying to get home as soon as. But there were some depots (no names, but one was just east of Peterborough) where they were always trying to spin things out for a bit of overtime. Long standing tradition... just read Gerry Fiennes on the subject.
Well irrespective of how users feel back in the good old days of BR pretty much everyone had the mentality of getting home early with the exception to those working booked WTT services whereby you had to wait for your booked departure time as laid down in the public timetable. Anything else internally went as soon as the work was completed unless there was disruption on the line. to stress things even further on the southern region Cl.6 freight were supposed to run at a max speed of 40mph. Never once did we return from Northfleet with the MGR empties at 40mph. We always returned at 55mph & not once were we ever stopped for speeding or reported for speeding. More to the point did the train ever derail or hit another train due to running at 15mph above the permitted speed? The answer to that was NO.
A far better railway was run then compared to the farce of todays railway operations.

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Carlisle 1979-1980 Timetable 24/08/2018 at 17:07 #111461
5208 posts
jc92 in post 111455 said:
Back to the point about early departure. I agree departure from a station, siding, terminal etc should operate on a sometimes early, sometimes on time basis, it would be handy to have an "always depart on time" option for reverses for instance.

I find it really irritating when a loco departs a platform early only to wait time sat on a mainline blocking the job. If its going to do that it should be a genuine unforseen delay where the driver calls in.
Very same thing was logged on Mantis 17852 as a Proposal/Request for Comments on 11/09/17.

"The set down only option gives the core code an option that may allow the train to depart early but does not force it. This can sometimes lead to embarrassing situations particularly for Cl. 0 or Cl. 5 moves.

Some of the ECS or light engine moves are part of a process like a run-round or a shunt of ECS out onto the main line then back to another platform or siding. Where the TT writer has allowed some freedom in the move, they will be TT'd as set down only at each point throughout the move. The move may then want to start before scheduled time and the signaller may allow that as there is a window to complete the move without conflicting other movements.

The unfortunate consequence is that on a small number of instances the move will come to a grinding halt in mid process as the ECS or light engine move sits down across a station throat or other key location waiting for due time. The signaller can then take steps to get things moving again by abandoning TT, shunting forward or whatever. This is a little cumbersome and probably not reflective of real life working.

Would it be possible to create some sort of option which can insist that a move departs as soon as circumstances permit rather than the set down only option where the departure may rather than must take place."

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Carlisle 1979-1980 Timetable 24/08/2018 at 21:55 #111468
1461 posts
Having had to reverse a shunt at Carlisle at a different signal than timetabled due to replatforming a delayed train, I had to manually update the train's timetable to its next location. However, when trying to do so, I was told that the Wall Siding has unsuitable electrification for a Class 08 and BG!

This seems to be because the shunt originated as a BG only, which has no power types ticked, and presumably confused Simsig somewhat. I was able to get around it by manually ticking "Diesel" in the timetable, closing, reopening, and then setting the next destination.

Is it necessary to set no power for light vehicles? Other than those seeded, any others should know they lack an engine through the use of Divide Carriages/Divide Engine activities. Alternatively, has this rather odd behaviour been raised as a bug/improvement request in the core code? It certainly seems strange to complain that the timetable the train already has assigned to it has incorrect electrification...

(The specific shunt was 5S24, replatformed to P4 from P1, but there's probably many others)

Last edited: 24/08/2018 at 21:55 by Danny252
Reason: None given

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Carlisle 1979-1980 Timetable 24/08/2018 at 23:06 #111471
2652 posts
Danny252 in post 111468 said:
Having had to reverse a shunt at Carlisle at a different signal than timetabled due to replatforming a delayed train, I had to manually update the train's timetable to its next location. However, when trying to do so, I was told that the Wall Siding has unsuitable electrification for a Class 08 and BG!

This seems to be because the shunt originated as a BG only, which has no power types ticked, and presumably confused Simsig somewhat. I was able to get around it by manually ticking "Diesel" in the timetable, closing, reopening, and then setting the next destination.

Is it necessary to set no power for light vehicles? Other than those seeded, any others should know they lack an engine through the use of Divide Carriages/Divide Engine activities. Alternatively, has this rather odd behaviour been raised as a bug/improvement request in the core code? It certainly seems strange to complain that the timetable the train already has assigned to it has incorrect electrification...

(The specific shunt was 5S24, replatformed to P4 from P1, but there's probably many others)

The answer regarding power types on coaching stock is definately no it won't be changed. If we go down that road I might as well tick every power type in the tt train type tab for each & every train type then youd never have this happen again, but it would look ridiculously unrealistic. If the item doesn't have power in real life then it won't in the timetable period. Hopefully Wall Sdg will be re-modelled in the next update & some of the issues you've mentioned will no longer occur. It is a shame that the timetable doewsn't have alot of leeway when trains are running late especially when they are booked to shunt at Carlisle which has been mentioned before.

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Carlisle 1979-1980 Timetable 25/08/2018 at 11:27 #111477
1461 posts
An easier one this time - 6E30 (6E30ATFO) does not have "Pass" ticked at Petteril Bridge Jn.
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Carlisle 1979-1980 Timetable 25/08/2018 at 12:37 #111478
5208 posts
Danny252 in post 111477 said:
An easier one this time - 6E30 (6E30ATFO) does not have "Pass" ticked at Petteril Bridge Jn.
Thanks. Will check and amend.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Carlisle 1979-1980 Timetable 25/08/2018 at 22:55 #111497
1461 posts
1P46 runs MX within the simulation, with the front portion forming 4S16 at Carlisle. However, 4S16 is described as running as EWD, and its loco (0S16) also enters the sim EWD. Should 4S16 be formed from something else on Mondays?
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Carlisle 1979-1980 Timetable 26/08/2018 at 01:05 #111502
5208 posts
Danny252 in post 111497 said:
1P46 runs MX within the simulation, with the front portion forming 4S16 at Carlisle. However, 4S16 is described as running as EWD, and its loco (0S16) also enters the sim EWD. Should 4S16 be formed from something else on Mondays?
4S16 should not be formed from something else on Mondays. There is a typographic error in the description as 4S16 should be MX. 0S16/4S16 are covered by the fact that 0S16D is ruled to enter 3 minutes after 1P46 arrives at Carlisle. No 1P46 = no 0S16.

Thank you for taking an interest in the TT.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
Last edited: 26/08/2018 at 01:13 by postal
Reason: None given

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Carlisle 1979-1980 Timetable 26/08/2018 at 10:28 #111506
1461 posts
Aha - I had looked for a rule, but somehow missed its existence. I thought it would be an odd thing to be overlooked in these well-tested timetables!
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The following user said thank you: postal