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Swindon 11 November 2018

You are here: Home > Forum > Simulations > Timetables > Swindon A and B > Swindon 11 November 2018

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Swindon 11 November 2018 21/11/2018 at 16:31 #113465
136 posts
Finally, this is done. Chains with other timetables for same date

Timetable based on the services as run on the day. Passenger data from the National Rail data feeds;
V 0.8.0 - The data for all trains is there; timings for some ARS mandatory points might not be correct. Headcodes for freight trains are of the garbled variant (with the letter moved to the second position), except where the train could be readily associated with a WTT schedule.
Edit: updated timetable for Exeter to fix inconstistency with one train

Last edited: 21/11/2018 at 16:32 by AlexRail575
Reason: None given

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Swindon 11 November 2018 03/01/2019 at 00:18 #114550
5 posts
Thanks for the timetables!
One ARS bug is that I seem to find the 1Wxx trains missing the platform 3/4 routes at Didcot (after 905) and instead coming to a stop at 911 just before platform 1.

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