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Different sizes of panel font

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Different sizes of panel font 22/09/2019 at 22:06 #120544
2 posts
The current panel font (SimSigv2.fon) could be supplemented by smaller and larger (or even differently-proportioned) variants. This would allow users to make the best use of the screen real estate available to them, or to cater to their accessibility requirements, without adjusting system-wide DPI or resolution settings. I include a monochrome mockup, and would be happy to offer my assistance in implementing this feature.

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Different sizes of panel font 02/10/2019 at 12:04 #120694
2 posts
Further to this, I'd like to attach a bitmap font of the above that I hope would, in theory, work in SimSig should it be modified to support fonts with a glyph size of other than 8x16px.
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