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King's Cross Summer 2020 MF timetable uploaded

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King's Cross Summer 2020 MF timetable uploaded 07/05/2020 at 22:33 #126601
142 posts
King's Cross summer 2020 MF timetable has been submitted.

Operating restrictions are the same as previous versions, with one addition namely that trains booked to reverse via Stevenage platform 5 continue to reverse via Langley Junction. Testing has shown this generally works well, although there is the odd conflict which will need to be worked round.

One other change on this version, I've altered the workaround for those trains which are booked to enter via the north end of Hornsey Depot, on this version they now enter via Bounds Green Depot south instead, which is marginally more prototypical. I feel this works better than the previous workaround which was to enter via the south end of Hornsey Depot and then sit for a while.

Note that LNER services continue to use indicative diagrams. Whilst I've tried to get things realistic, in reality the continuing Azuma introduction means things change from day to day, both in terms of what stock works which service, and in some cases what incoming working forms which outgoing working at King's Cross. If and when things settle down I will do a re-release with things correct to life. In the meantime this shouldn't matter too much as far as playing the sim goes.

I have run this through once and corrected any issues which arose, please feel free to add any issues to this thread.

Last edited: 07/05/2020 at 22:36 by DavidSplett
Reason: None given

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