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Legacy-look Timetable CSS

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Legacy-look Timetable CSS 19/07/2020 at 00:33 #129748
149 posts
headshot119 in post 129145 said:
Moderator note - one post removed pending advice on an attachment.
It's been two weeks. Can I please get some sort of clarity if I will ever be allowed to discuss the-thing-I-won't-name or not?

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Legacy-look Timetable CSS 19/07/2020 at 00:36 #129750
4869 posts
TylerE in post 129748 said:
headshot119 in post 129145 said:
Moderator note - one post removed pending advice on an attachment.
It's been two weeks. Can I please get some sort of clarity if I will ever be allowed to discuss the-thing-I-won't-name or not?
Yes, there's no need to encourage people to edit registry files, nor to distribute or link to files which will edit a users registry. Any such posts will be deleted by the moderating team.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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The following users said thank you: Hap, Meld, TimTamToe
Legacy-look Timetable CSS 19/07/2020 at 00:38 #129751
149 posts
No need, other than for the exact purpose I discussed, for a very specific technical reason, well documented on MSDN.

Fine, whatever, I'm done.

You win. I quit. Simsig will never see another second of my life or dollar out of my wallet.

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The following users said thank you: geswedey, VInce, Hap, Meld, jnjkerbin
Legacy-look Timetable CSS 19/07/2020 at 08:57 #129755
658 posts
TylerE in post 129751 said:
No need, other than for the exact purpose I discussed, for a very specific technical reason, well documented on MSDN.

Fine, whatever, I'm done.

You win. I quit. Simsig will never see another second of my life or dollar out of my wallet.
Tyler you seem not to realise that if people who are not very computer aware could alter things they shouldn't in editing the registry and cause big problems for them. If something went wrong it isn't your website the links had been published on, would you take the responsibility and cost of fixing something that went wrong for someone? I doubt it.

That is why you can't post links or descriptions on how to edit the registry etc and Geoff and the team don't want to be liable as it was posted on his site.

Sometimes you just need to look at the bigger picture...


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The following users said thank you: Stephen Fulcher, Meld, bri2808, geswedey, y10g9, DonRiver
Legacy-look Timetable CSS 19/07/2020 at 10:59 #129759
196 posts
Unfortunately it is quite often the case when someone is an expert or thinks they are an expert in a subject they think that all those around them or those they are interacting with have a similar mindset or knowledge, quite often that expert works on or is interested in IT, recently my 84 year old mother had to update an email account due to a change made by the provider the instructions totally bamboozled her as they were written in IT speak, I am no expert in IT matters but understood what was required and reset her account for her. I have fallen into the same trap myself to an extent albeit rarely with railway rules and regulations as what is obvious to me is not always obvious to others, being "in advance of" or "in rear of" a signal being a very good example of a situation which if misunderstood could cause a serious incident.

Glyn Calvert AIRO, ex Guards and Signalling Instructor Ilford training School

Glyn Calvert ACIRO
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Legacy-look Timetable CSS 19/07/2020 at 12:23 #129765
1277 posts
Could I suggest that a section be added to the downloadable files for people to put their experimental timetable & F2 trainlist CSS files in for others to download?


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Legacy-look Timetable CSS 19/07/2020 at 12:27 #129766
4869 posts
DaveHarries in post 129765 said:
Could I suggest that a section be added to the downloadable files for people to put their experimental timetable & F2 trainlist CSS files in for others to download?

There's a forum section that's been put up for people to share templates, and screenshots of them.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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The following user said thank you: DaveHarries
Legacy-look Timetable CSS 20/07/2020 at 10:18 #129800
belly buster
368 posts
Sad to see someone who was clearly passionate about SimSig being hounded out of the community just for proposing some enitirely optional styling preferences.

I for one very much welcomed TylerE's efforts and liked the look of the latest incarnation which I would have definitely used; but now this seems unlikely to see the light of day.

This forum has always operated on some lively debate and general respectfulness. Those piling on in this thread should reflect on this.

The moderation decision I'm sure was reasonable but communicated poorly / belatedly, which seems like the straw that broke the camels back. I'm not talking about this; rather the post before this.

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The following user said thank you: torets