One of the links to signal number plan is broken

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One of the links to signal number plan is broken 10/12/2020 at 13:36 #134534
1832 posts
I have compiled a list of simulations with some of their details including a likely purchase order. A bit sad I know, but when you are retired you can find all sorts of useless thing to do to fill your time.

Anyway, I generally look at the signal number plans to give me an idea of how complicated each sim is. However I have noticed that if I try to access the Newport signal number plan via the Wiki General Information section, I get a '404 Error - Not found' warning. The link in the manual does work however.

Apologies is this has been mentioned before

Everything that you make will be useful - providing it's made of chocolate.
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One of the links to signal number plan is broken 10/12/2020 at 16:39 #134552
13 posts
The link should now be working 👍
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