Trains proceeding passed PL14 5mph

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Trains proceeding passed PL14 5mph 20/04/2021 at 17:48 #138847
259 posts
On my save ive got an issue where trains heading into Kings cross platforms 7/8/10 reduce their speed to 5MPH when passing Position Light 14. This signal is associated to K292 and its cleared in the normal way....

Am i missing something obvious, its only certain trains in certain platforms (all trains in and out of P7/8).

I have got possessions taken up on nearby platforms but didnt think this would do anything.

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Trains proceeding passed PL14 5mph 20/04/2021 at 18:13 #138848
6391 posts
Which timetable? At a guess, there are driving rules which say "33% after passing a single yellow" but without a minimum speed.
SimSig Boss
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Trains proceeding passed PL14 5mph 20/04/2021 at 18:20 #138849
259 posts
Its a TT im creating Geoff, modern day one.

Just checked that and you are absolutley spot on. Thank you for the quick response.

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The following user said thank you: GeoffM