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Finsbury Park

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Finsbury Park 09/03/2011 at 19:58 #2567
135 posts
Just so you know ladies and gents, Finsbury Park is receiving automated ticket gates on platforms 1 and 2 as well as 5 and 6 which will go live at some point this Spring, you will need a valid ticket or Oyster card to enter these platforms once the gates go live. Platforms 3 and 4 appear not to be receiving them so you should still be able to access these two platforms if you are not travelling and just there to video or take photographs. The Underground is not affected by these changes.
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Finsbury Park 09/03/2011 at 19:58 #13965
135 posts
Just so you know ladies and gents, Finsbury Park is receiving automated ticket gates on platforms 1 and 2 as well as 5 and 6 which will go live at some point this Spring, you will need a valid ticket or Oyster card to enter these platforms once the gates go live. Platforms 3 and 4 appear not to be receiving them so you should still be able to access these two platforms if you are not travelling and just there to video or take photographs. The Underground is not affected by these changes.
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Finsbury Park 09/03/2011 at 20:36 #13966
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
Yes I've been watching them develop over the past week or so I expect it'll be a complete nightmare if a train pulls into P1&2 at the same time in the morning (which is normal)- it's bad enough as it is. Having said that quite often on the barriers at P9-11 at Kings Cross are just opened when it's really busy.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Finsbury Park 09/03/2011 at 21:36 #13968
6325 posts
It was unusual this morning to find ticket collectors at the exit to normally-open Bradford on Avon station (Bristol sim) - but more amusing to see the hi-viz vested uniformed BTP with stern expressions beside each collector!

And as for gates, people should not be allowed to travel by train until they have understood the basic concept of requiring a ticket to pass through the things. Too many times I have stood behind people who, right in front of the gate, frantically pat down their pockets to find a ticket that might work - or those that "gate dodge" as if another gate will give them preference over the one in front of them.

Can't beat the ones on LUL though, I've never seen anything faster than those - the ticket's ready to collect before you can physically move your hand to the exit slot.

Rant over.

SimSig Boss
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Finsbury Park 09/03/2011 at 22:13 #13970
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
Talking of BTP they seemed to out at a fair few GN stations this evening as we passed through. Standing on various platforms at such outpost stations as Arlesey- no TIs or other railway people about as far as I could see. Something was clearly going on but what I could not tell.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Finsbury Park 10/03/2011 at 02:04 #13974
135 posts
What sort of time was that happening? I was at Oakleigh Park for about an hour then caught the 17:25 back to Finsbury Park, didn't see any staff at any of the stations bar Finsbury Park. A few trains were delayed going northbound and at least one Stevenage was cancelled on my outbound trip.

No idea why they've just left out 3 & 4 when installing these gates, but I am concerned that on the other platforms they will cause queues on the stairs especially with people pushing and shoving to try and get to the morning / evening peak trains.

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Finsbury Park 10/03/2011 at 07:08 #13975
187 posts
Spurs were at home in Champions League, would that explain it??
Ripley, Derbyshire
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Finsbury Park 10/03/2011 at 12:20 #13976
1719 posts
mfloyd said:
Spurs were at home in Champions League, would that explain it??

Football at White Hart La usually means extra trains/cover on the North East London (Enfield Tn & Lea Valley) lines (overtime for the duty station manager in my day :-) but I can see no reason for extra on the GN.

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Finsbury Park 10/03/2011 at 12:56 #13977
135 posts
Extras were indeed laid on to/from Northumberland Park for the Champions League. It finished 0-0, but Spurs won 1-0 on aggregate and will go through to the quarter finals.
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Finsbury Park 10/03/2011 at 21:18 #13983
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
It was about 14.30 and I first noticed one standing on Stevenage Up platform as I went through on 4, nothing unusual in that. I was going to Letchworth and when I got there there was a BTP van right by the entrance and a PC guarding in the doorway, he was still standing there when I went back about 30mins later, was not actually doing anything just standing there watching. Then back at Hitchin where I changed for a Northbound there was another standing on the Down platform, again just watching for the 20 mins or so I was there. Lastly when we halted at Arlesey there was another on the Up looking around the waiting shelter for something.

I had a quick look round Biggleswade when I alighted but none there otherwise I may have asked.

Some sort of security incident I guess.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Finsbury Park 10/03/2011 at 21:35 #13984
Rushey Platt
55 posts
I use FPK every day. These gates are a disaster waiting to happen, I can't believe they have been allowed!


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Finsbury Park 11/03/2011 at 10:36 #13997
1719 posts
GeoffM said:
It was unusual this morning to find ticket collectors at the exit to normally-open Bradford on Avon station (Bristol sim) - but more amusing to see the hi-viz vested uniformed BTP with stern expressions beside each collector!

Presence of BTP usually ensures co-operation from the punters. Even at a place like Barking! A large police dog is even better. One of the funniest things I saw was in the booking hall there one Saturday afternoon, when there was football at Upton Park (I should say this was the days of the old manned ticket barriers, so people coming off the train couldn't see much of the booking hall until they came through the barrier); the local BTP Dog Handler had stationed himself there (outside where the coffee bar now is). So every time a LT train came in, there was a great swell of noise that continued as the fans came up the stairs & through the barrier. Then they saw the animal, sitting very quietly and putting on his "I'm hungry" act... the noise stopped instantly and they passed with many a nervous glance until they were safely outside the station.

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Finsbury Park 11/03/2011 at 19:10 #14009
148 posts
There was 2 at ely and 3 at hitchin today, maybe they have received intelligence of something. its unusual to see them at ely though.
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Finsbury Park 11/03/2011 at 19:18 #14010
148 posts
all though i dont actually have much faith in them protecting anyone or anything as whilst im standing there with my two year old son with a video camera filiming a class 91 at speed he asked "what are you doing? its strange to stand all the way up here at the end of the platform?" come on theres people at the ends at every station filiming trains.
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