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Trains exiting Engine shed via the 'In' line

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Trains exiting Engine shed via the 'In' line 17/08/2021 at 11:02 #141178
1832 posts
I'm playing the Westbury April 2016 - Bath to Bristol blockade v1.0.0 timetable and have now been caught out a second time with a train exiting the Engine sidings via the 'In' line.
Should this be happening as it's a bit annoying. I couldn't find a post in the Forum regarding this.

Edit: Ooops. I've not read the timetable and selected the wrong route. Sorry about that.

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Last edited: 17/08/2021 at 11:05 by bugsy
Reason: None given

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Trains exiting Engine shed via the 'In' line 17/08/2021 at 11:20 #141179
1832 posts
Yet more apologies.

I've just noticed that the Train List actually tells me that the train is entering via the 'IN' line.##Looks like I have got to get a grip with reading stuff properly.

Everything that you make will be useful - providing it's made of chocolate.
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Trains exiting Engine shed via the 'In' line 17/08/2021 at 15:47 #141180
1620 posts
The track layout of the yard(s) has changed over the history of the panel - nowadays “Engine In” and “Engine Out” lead to different fans of sidings; so while counterintuitive, it is perfectly legitimate.
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