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Rule suggestion 04/04/2022 at 17:54 #146024
1277 posts

I am currently working on a Saltley TT and it has given me an idea to suggest something which I think would come under the Rules heading. Some of the trains on the TT I am building head into Birmingham New Street and then, after a break of some minutes, reappear on the next leg of their journey. Take for example this ECS working:

5H74 19:45 Nottingham - Tyseley LMD

Which has to be entered as two sections, hence the UID which uses the Network Rail three-letter codes for Nottingham (NOT), Birmingham New Street (BHM) and Tyseley LMD (XTS):

5H74 (5H74NOTBHM) 19:45 Nottingham - Birmingham New Street: enters Wichnor Jcn @ 2048, STA at Birmingham NS 2118
5H74 (5H74BHMXTS) 19:45 Nottingham - Birmingham New Street: re-enters Birmingham NS @ 2132, STA at Tyseley LMD 2148

In order to prevent the second 5H74 entering early I have put a rule in by which the second 5H74 cannot appear until 14 minutes after the first one arrives at Birmingham New Street. However this means that even if 5H74 arrived at Birmingham New Street 5 minutes late, for example, it will then be 5 minutes late in reappearing for the leg to Tyseley LMD. Surely though, IRL, 5H74 (or any other train) could arrive at Birmingham New Street 5 minutes late and still leave at the appointed time of 2132 on what would, if all was to time, be a 14 minute turnaround.

Therefore might it perhaps be an idea to allow for a new TT rule to be put in which would, I think, be best described as:

"(Train or $UID) should not enter until W minutes after (Train or $UID X) arrives at (Location Y) if (Train or $UID X) is more than (Z) minutes late arriving at (Location Y)."

Probably not the clearest way of putting it but I am not sure how else it is best to put it. But the idea would be that such a rule would allow the leg of 5H74 between New Street and Tyseley LMD to enter to time if it was not more than a certain number of minutes late.

Sorry if I am not being as clear as I could be but I hope I am not making the idea too confusing.
Schedule for 5H74 for reference: https://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/service/gb-nr:L12078/2022-04-16/detailed


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The following user said thank you: Banners88
Rule suggestion 04/04/2022 at 18:02 #146025
5208 posts

Don't confuse the TT times and the actual operation on the ground. Yes, there is a gap of 14 minutes in the scheduling but think about what would happen on the platform in real life. You don't say what sort of stock is involved in your example but if it is a local DMU type reversal then how long does it take for the driver to close down one end, check the tail lights, walk to the other end, check the headlights, enter the cab and set things up? It certainly won't be 14 minutes. Unless there are other things happening which require dwell time then you can set the rule for maybe a 5-minute turn round which would allow for the driver to do what is necessary. Then if the train is running to time it will still sit for the 14 minutes (subject to any set-down only or core code interventions). If it is up to 9 minutes late then it will re-enter at due time. If it is more than 9 minutes late it will re-enter after a 5 minute dwell time.

No need for any new rules or complex additions.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Rule suggestion 04/04/2022 at 18:21 #146026
576 posts
This doesn't require a new rule, all you need is to use the current rule of "must not enter until <minutes> after <other train> has left the area", and lower <minutes> by the margin in the schedule.
For your example:
"(Train or $UID) should not enter until W minutes after (Train or $UID X) arrives at (Location Y) if (Train or $UID X) is more than (Z) minutes late arriving at (Location Y)."
Use the existing rule, but subtract Z from W, and you will get the same effect.

For example, 14 minutes scheduled time, but it can run in 9 minutes if late and margin is removed.
Use rule: "Train 2ndleg should not enter until 9 minutes after 1stleg leaves area"
If 1stleg is on time, 2ndleg can enter 5 minutes early, but will wait for scheduled time.
If 1stleg is up to 5 minutes late, 2ndleg can still enter on scheduled time, using up part of its margin off-sim.
If 1stleg is more than 5 late, 2ndleg will be delayed appropriately by the rule.

Last edited: 04/04/2022 at 18:22 by Dionysusnu
Reason: None given

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Rule suggestion 05/04/2022 at 07:46 #146035
1719 posts
Perhaps a variation on the present rule setting a minimum would do it: Train B Must not enter until Minimum of X minutes after train A arrives at [location]. That should allow for the difference between driver on a finishing turn and driver trying to avoid getting home early enough to be caught for an extra job before end of booked hours.
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Rule suggestion 05/04/2022 at 08:00 #146036
3945 posts
kbarber in post 146035 said:
Perhaps a variation on the present rule setting a minimum would do it: Train B Must not enter until Minimum of X minutes after train A arrives at [location]. That should allow for the difference between driver on a finishing turn and driver trying to avoid getting home early enough to be caught for an extra job before end of booked hours.
That's what the existing rule does- the 'minimum' is implicit; trains can still enter re-enter after a longer period than the specified time for several reasons.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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The following user said thank you: kbarber
Rule suggestion 05/04/2022 at 17:23 #146045
6325 posts
I've tidied up the Rules Wiki page and changed some wording slightly to make it clearer that times are minimums, not absolutes.

Postal is correct. I would use the "after Y leaves the area" rule rather than a location-specific rule because outgoing trains don't necessarily register at all remaining locations in their TT. It varies from sim-to-sim for a number of reasons. I *think* for Saltley the train will fall off at Proof House Junction but not necessarily register passing it.

SimSig Boss
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The following users said thank you: postal, DaveHarries