EGIP and Mechancial working

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EGIP and Mechancial working 08/05/2022 at 15:45 #146406
610 posts
Just started a chain with North East Scotland with Mechanical Interlocking clicked and Carmuirs West Jn and Larbert Junction, still required manual mechanical route setting.

Were these points not motorised with the resignalling?

Just a query, I have no knowledge?

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EGIP and Mechancial working 08/05/2022 at 16:22 #146408
Stephen Fulcher
2103 posts
Even if they were if they are still worked by a frame they’d still have to be worked before setting a route.
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EGIP and Mechancial working 09/05/2022 at 11:24 #146415
610 posts
Was it not resignalled to a panel, ie from levers? Or just electrification and colour lights??
Last edited: 09/05/2022 at 11:44 by Guts
Reason: None given

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EGIP and Mechancial working 09/05/2022 at 13:55 #146418
374 posts
Carmuirs East Jn, Larbert Jn, Stirling Middle, and Stirling North retained lever frames, just the Main running signals converted to colour lights, and points motorised, some sidings still maintained semaphores & mechanical points. Though Larbert & Carmuirs East have subsequently been abolished since the EGIP Scheme, all boxes in and north of Stirling remain though.
Resident Mock Maker! / "The Out Of Control Host"
Last edited: 09/05/2022 at 13:58 by elltrain3
Reason: Silly Mistakes

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The following user said thank you: Guts
EGIP and Mechancial working 09/05/2022 at 14:15 #146419
1461 posts
The whole area went through a large number of small changes to get to where it is now. It was part EGIP, part EGIP (reduced), then 'SANOS', then finished as 'SDA' and electrification to Dunblane.

I think the points were done first and a slightly realigned Larbert Jn - Carmuirs East, together with colour lights vice some semaphores in 2007, also closing Larbert Jn. Control then from Larbert North.

Stirling was slowly converted to colour lights, mainly 2010-3

Only in Dec 2017 were the Larbert North, Carmuirs East and Grangemouth Jn boxes closed, but by then without much by way of external track / signalling changes just renumberings.

Not all of these more minor steps will have been given a distinct sim era.

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The following user said thank you: Guts
EGIP and Mechancial working 09/05/2022 at 23:02 #146424
Peter Bennet
5431 posts
The Sim is made up of individual boxes and data for each box does not necessarily have the same date stamp as another box and whatever that data was will be frozen at that time.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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The following user said thank you: Guts