Signal failed, but signal in front of it showing proceed

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Signal failed, but signal in front of it showing proceed 08/07/2022 at 18:42 #147192
1315 posts
In the attached screenshot and save, signal 106 has a failed red and yellow aspect.

However when setting a route to it, signal 95 clears even though 106 is still displayed blank (or is it displaying one of two yellows of the double yellow aspect?)

Era is 1990s.

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Signal failed, but signal in front of it showing proceed 08/07/2022 at 18:48 #147194
895 posts
This is one of the features of the sim. It is written in the manual
"Lamp or controls"
All running signals at Euston have "lamp or controls": if a route is set to an unlit signal, the signal at the start of the route will clear to yellow if the unlit signal is able to clear. This is transitive, so several unlit signals in sequence can be preceded by a yellow signal (it was claimed that the platform signals at Euston could show yellow with every signal from there to Manchester unlit).

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The following user said thank you: Albert
Signal failed, but signal in front of it showing proceed 08/07/2022 at 19:45 #147195
6391 posts
Yellow onto a failed signal was quite common back in the 1960s in many parts of the country, and quite legitimate, as y10g9 said.
SimSig Boss
Last edited: 08/07/2022 at 19:45 by GeoffM
Reason: None given

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