Access Violation KGX

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Access Violation KGX 13/09/2022 at 18:51 #147989
1 posts
Access violation which occurred without warning while signalling KGX, in singleplayer (please see attached screenshot and launched savegame). I cannot attach the logfile as its nearly 100Mb, but happy to send over if reqd.

Unable to pause / continue / save / exit SimSig without ending the process in Task Manager.

Looking through the forums here, these errors seem fairly common however I've never as yet had one that's prevented me from continuing. Hopefully this can help further improve what is already an excellent bit of kit.

(Frequent SimSig'er and long-time forum lurker, but first time poster here - my apologies in advance if this is in the wrong place and/or format)

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Access Violation KGX 13/09/2022 at 21:17 #147993
5323 posts
If the information from the log-file is important you can open the file with a simple text editor (notepad is more than adequate) and copy out the relevant bits.
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