Simplifier issue

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Simplifier issue 13/02/2023 at 16:38 #150455
1125 posts
I've found a issue with the simplifier that at the start of the timetable, it will show all trains entering Wembley Intercity Depot however closer to the time of the booked arrival of some trains, some do not show up at all in the simplifier, example showing if the train in question is meant to arrive on depot at 10:22 than using the function at 10:00 won't show the train.

Not all trains are affected as it seems to be a 50/50 thing for the simplifier to show arrivals closer to time of arrival.

Why is this?

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Simplifier issue 14/02/2023 at 09:56 #150467
919 posts
Are those missing trains already in the simulation area? At some point I had stumbled across a similar sounding issue whereby it seems that in some sims some trains drop off the simplifier for all timing points as soon as they enter the simulation, instead of only when they have actually passed that particular timing point in question (Mantis 26356).
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Simplifier issue 14/02/2023 at 20:41 #150472
1125 posts
Jan in post 150467 said:
Are those missing trains already in the simulation area? At some point I had stumbled across a similar sounding issue whereby it seems that in some sims some trains drop off the simplifier for all timing points as soon as they enter the simulation, instead of only when they have actually passed that particular timing point in question (Mantis 26356).
Yes, those trains were already in the simulation area - they weren't seeded at start of the timetable as they were formed of later arriving trains.

Maybe this issue can be added to the existing Mantis report?

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