Kingmoor slots not being given - 1980s tt

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Kingmoor slots not being given - 1980s tt 15/10/2023 at 15:43 #153664
281 posts
hi playing pascals 80 timetables and kingmoor seems to have gone to sleep - all else working ok .... save attached - is it broke or do I just wait ?

doesnt respond auto or when I call - says send train but wont let me send it. Been playing this TT for years off and on

SimSig is fully up to date BTW


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Last edited: 15/10/2023 at 15:43 by slatteryc
Reason: None given

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Kingmoor slots not being given - 1980s tt 15/10/2023 at 16:22 #153666
4870 posts
6L81 is booked to UD2 in it's TT, It's been a while since I looked at Carlisle, but there's no slot indication for UD1 and UD2. I've sent the train to UD2, no one has complained, and Kingmoor slot for the class 9 behind it.
"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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The following user said thank you: sunocske
Kingmoor slots not being given - 1980s tt 15/10/2023 at 22:43 #153674
281 posts
ouch yes didnt spot that thanks
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