Points POS445 locked

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Points POS445 locked 09/11/2023 at 16:44 #153990
86 posts

I have just started the evening entrants in to Oxley and noticed I get a message saying points are locked reverse by another route when no route is set over them. I am trying to set a route from OS3705 to OS3715. Its also preventing me setting the route from OS7303 to OS7305 due to the overlap

The points in question are POS445 where the Down splits towards the down goods or sidings.. The points can be set to normal so proving the route but I still get the message until Track Circuit TOSAM has cleared

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Last edited: 09/11/2023 at 16:45 by Nutter
Reason: None given

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Points POS445 locked 09/11/2023 at 16:47 #153991
86 posts

Just seen and its NOT a bug as the points POS449A and POS449B need to be in reverse to protect the main line

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The following user said thank you: Hap
Points POS445 locked 09/11/2023 at 16:48 #153992
1050 posts
Correct, you'll have to wait for traffic to clear into the depot before being able to set the main line again.


How to report an issue: www.SimSig.co.uk/Wiki/Show?page=usertrack:reportanissue
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