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South Humberside.

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South Humberside. 30/04/2011 at 11:59 #2955
476 posts
Hi all, I last posted in Jan 2010 after finding the Simsig site and being ex-station staff at New Street was intrigued. Initially I couldn't get into the operating technicalities and didn't bother for a while. Have just downloaded South Humberside as it's an area I know very well (family in Cleethorpes and I travel there regularly by train from Lincoln). So when I saw Wrawby Junction and Barnetby on the sim I could picture the route from there. I've read the main Simsig manual and am familiar with most of the terms and route-setting.
Initial queries are - even when I set routes for trains entering the panel I get a list of 'no route between signals' or something like that. The train reporting numbers are intially in blue. Am I correct in thinking that means they enter the panel under ARS as no route appears to be set.
Also, the only abbreviation I find no explanation for is TIPLOC. Would appreciate any help on these couple of points. Apologies for going on a bit, but I now look forward to getting to grips with what looks to be an excellent sim. The layout, Help, and general info is brilliant. I am past 60 so things can take a while to sink in, but feel sure I'll get there eventually. Thanks to all those involved with the Simsig concept.

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South Humberside. 30/04/2011 at 11:59 #15431
476 posts
Hi all, I last posted in Jan 2010 after finding the Simsig site and being ex-station staff at New Street was intrigued. Initially I couldn't get into the operating technicalities and didn't bother for a while. Have just downloaded South Humberside as it's an area I know very well (family in Cleethorpes and I travel there regularly by train from Lincoln). So when I saw Wrawby Junction and Barnetby on the sim I could picture the route from there. I've read the main Simsig manual and am familiar with most of the terms and route-setting.
Initial queries are - even when I set routes for trains entering the panel I get a list of 'no route between signals' or something like that. The train reporting numbers are intially in blue. Am I correct in thinking that means they enter the panel under ARS as no route appears to be set.
Also, the only abbreviation I find no explanation for is TIPLOC. Would appreciate any help on these couple of points. Apologies for going on a bit, but I now look forward to getting to grips with what looks to be an excellent sim. The layout, Help, and general info is brilliant. I am past 60 so things can take a while to sink in, but feel sure I'll get there eventually. Thanks to all those involved with the Simsig concept.

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South Humberside. 30/04/2011 at 14:14 #15432
89 posts
I can't answer all your questions, but I'll chip in with an early partial response: TIPLOC = TIming Point LOCation. As far as I understand, a unique series of letters; a code which identifies a particular and precise point on the railway network. These are useful to clarify otherwise vague timetable instructions.

I hope others will be able to supply you with more / better information soon.

Edit: This page might be of interest to you: http://deaves47.users.btopenworld.com/CRS/CRS0.htm

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South Humberside. 30/04/2011 at 14:19 #15433
771 posts
Most sims, including South Humberside does not have ARS so you have to set all the routes yourself. As far as routes not available, it would help if you can give a specific example. That way we can give you very specific instructions.

I don't know what TIPLOC actually stands for but they are special codes, usually 7 characters nut can be less, that used by Network Rail to designate specific locations. They can be sidings, yards, junctions or stations. The codes all have full names too. For example Wrawby Junction is WRAWBYJ.

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South Humberside. 30/04/2011 at 15:02 #15434
476 posts
Hi guys, and thanks for your replies. I'll run the sim again in a while and if I get the same problem on routing I'll make a specific note. Have decided to really apply myself this time now I have a sim in an area I know. Will try not to thinkl of too many silly questions, but thanks for your help so far.
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South Humberside. 04/05/2011 at 20:25 #15500
476 posts
Hi all, well I'm having another run with South humberside, but a couple of things puzzle me (well quite a few, but I'll stick to the important ones). So far I've managed to get one train (6H09) through to clear the panel (felt quite pleased with that), but have a list of trains saying held at signals but can't see the subject trains anywhere on the panel. 6M62, 0C80, 0C81, 6C22 to name some. The messages refer to signal numbers but these are not shown on the signals. Apologies for the long question but I've read what I took to be the relevant parts of the user manual but unless I'm missing something, I'm still in the dark. I'm determined to crack this as Simsig looks and feels brilliant, the icing on the cake would be to get to the stage of trouble-free operating. Many thanks in advance for any pointers.
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South Humberside. 04/05/2011 at 20:43 #15503
771 posts
Go to options (F3) and uncheck the "Right click cancels routes". Also make sure that show shunt signals option is also checked.
When you now right-click on a signal the number will be shown at the top of the menu that appears.

In South Humberside, as it covers a multitude of boxes, each signal has a one or two character ID which should help you narrow down the location. IWxxx are signals at Immingham West for example. I'd also set the sim to run in easy mode. That way the train ID should show up at most locations when a train enters.

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South Humberside. 04/05/2011 at 21:07 #15504
476 posts
Thanks for the tips Lardybiker, I'll follow your pointers on the next run. Sounds like that's one problem solved.
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South Humberside. 04/05/2011 at 21:56 #15508
1841 posts
Lardybiker said:
I don't know what TIPLOC actually stands for
Timing Point Location

I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
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South Humberside. 05/05/2011 at 11:06 #15529
476 posts
Another big thank you to Lardybiker for your helpful tips on setting up the sim. I've input all suggestions and things running much better. In common with other posters, my other main prob is the timing of lowering crossings as that seems to cause most of my delays and messages. As has been suggested, this comes with practice. At least now I have trains running! From my past misgivings re Simsig, think I'm becoming a convert.
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South Humberside. 05/05/2011 at 12:00 #15530
771 posts
You are most welcome and glad to help.

Something else you may want to try if you fancy it would be to join a multiplayer game. South Humberside is used quite a bit I see and by participating you can better acquainted with the sim without having to have to control the whole area. It's also a good way to learn other sims too you may bot have played yet,

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South Humberside. 05/05/2011 at 21:14 #15560
476 posts
Thanks for the suggestion on multiplayer, and also your tips that have got me hooked Lardybiker, but I'm still very much at the newbie stage and certainly need to get things running a bit more smoothly before i risk joining someone else and risk messing things up for them through my incompetence. Things are coming on slowly (like most of the trains that I keep delaying!), Just discovered in the manual about ground frame operation, something else i need to take on board. Shall have to shift something from this old brain of mine before I put something new in, lol!
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South Humberside. 05/05/2011 at 22:41 #15564
1803 posts
delticfan said:
I'm still very much at the newbie stage and certainly need to get things running a bit more smoothly before i risk joining someone else and risk messing things up for them through my incompetence.
Many hosts are happy for newbies to join their games and just watch to see how others do things. Cannot ever recall any hosts being 'anti-newbie'.

As long as you just sit there and watch, not touching any of the buttons, signals, points, etc, then it shouldn't be a problem - so don't be afraid!

Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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South Humberside. 05/05/2011 at 23:00 #15566
1461 posts
UKTrainMan said:
Many hosts are happy for newbies to join their games and just watch

Most are quite happy to let them run a panel - so long as they ask questions and listen to advice!

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South Humberside. 06/05/2011 at 22:04 #15616
771 posts
Delticfan, you are looking art multiplay from the wrong perspective. Multiplay is easier than single play as you have a much smaller area to look after. You can thus concentrate on that area, learning it and the trains that go in and out. This helps tremendously when playing a single player game as you don't have to search around looking for things.

And besides, dealing with a mess is one of the great things about SimSig!

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South Humberside. 07/05/2011 at 08:09 #15621
476 posts
Thanks for that Lardybiker, I must admit I had thought that multi games were only for the 'pro's' but would consider it. I must add that the detail maps and guides for Imm and Scunthorpe are excellent. I tend to keep them open when running the sim, they helped me out a couple of times last night regarding location names and sigs. Another thing that caught me out was being penalised for routing trains into certain yards without phoning first. Just read up on that and think I've got it sorted. The fact I'm getting into Simsig may be coming obvious, lol! Just a point on level crossings. I notice that the ones with LWR in blue seem to lower automatically, but the ones that aren't have to be kept an eye on, I presume this is so? Thanks again mate for steering me through the early stages of getting to grips with this brill sim. Cheers, Mal.
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South Humberside. 07/05/2011 at 13:18 #15627
456 posts
Hope to see you soon on one of my hosts Delticfan.
God bless, Daniel Wilson
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South Humberside. 07/05/2011 at 14:03 #15629
476 posts
Cheers for the invite djw, but I think my first couple of sessions will be as a fascinated observer rather than panel operator. Give me a shout when you have a slot available.
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South Humberside. 10/05/2011 at 14:40 #15689
456 posts
Whenever you see me hosting a session - feel free to join. Hoping to be continuing my 2010/11 timetable test tonight.
God bless, Daniel Wilson
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South Humberside. 10/05/2011 at 16:34 #15693
476 posts
Thanks for that djw, I might join you but only as a non-operating observer. Do I need to know any info regarding connection? If you let me know what time I can get sorted this end.
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