1975 Timetable (TUE-FRI)

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1975 Timetable (TUE-FRI) 25/12/2023 at 12:04 #154841
1461 posts
A Christmas present !!!
Now released is this timetable for TUE/WED/THU/FRI summer 1975.
Available as 'user Content' or direct as https://www.SimSig.co.uk/File/Details/2977

It runs from an 0400 start to 28:00 (04:00 next day), so Friday includes the Friday overnight holiday extras. A fairly generous view is taken of conditional trains, so likely more running than a typical day.
The day of the week decision can be force set to a chosen day at startup, it is not set by any seeded trains.

The main line trains are approximately clock-face with plenty of freight & trips with the Shrewsbury line more variable. There are loco changes, passenger and parcel shunting.

Sources WTT and station working book (with thanks to Pascal) and thanks also to Geoff for the sim updates which have allowed this much older timetable to run.

The only operating issue is Oxley chord, as it did not exist in 1975 and Stafford - Shrewsbury trains were reversing at Cannock Road Jn, on the former line to the GWR Wolverhampton low level station. Trains are set to wait 15-20 minutes for the reversal. The automated Oxley signaller will set the route from OY59 forward as soon as the train approaches which blocks Stafford Road Jn and the Shrewsbury line. To avoid this, after setting route WN25 – OY58, collar OY58 until near departure time.

There's more hints in the sim notes file included with the download, but some prefer to find these things out the hard way !

I will be producing a SAT version, which is likely to be 0000-2200.
I may also do a chainable timetable for Telford-Oxley, but that depends on satisfactory freight bodges due to Wellington yard not being in the sim.

Any comments etc in the timetables>Wolverhampton thread please


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The following users said thank you: mldaureol, downfast, Mikhail
1975 Timetable (TUE-FRI) 04/01/2024 at 18:57 #154973
215 posts
I am trying to get a train into the coal field from down line. Notes indicate that there is a 180 minute wait for the ground frame to activate. But I have only maanaged to get lever 11 to move. The rest just remain inactive. How long do I have to wait ? Its so annoying.
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1975 Timetable (TUE-FRI) 04/01/2024 at 19:37 #154974
1461 posts
There are two releases, one each for 1 & 11. So although you have 11 free, 1 is still locked.
11 is only Down line release, and does not release anything on its' own.
The reason for the split is to be able to release up only, for a departure up, while leaving the down under PSB control

You will need the up released as well, that means clicking the up release. It is also timed 180s, but both timers will run at the same time if you click both when you have a train approaching.

Once you have got release on lever 1, and with 11 reversed as well, all levers will be free.


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The following users said thank you: Ray, sunocske